Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Finally getting around to listening to part 2 of the Shamrock interview on SCSA's podcast (word to DC)..Probably one of the best interviews Austin has done..So informative and entertaining..

What dates are those? I must be going blind but I can't find them on his podcast feed.

And yo JayPesos you dont want it in No Mercy bruh

Eh, with Brock & Dean not being around for a little while I doubt I'm going to pay attention to Raw that much. :\
Eh, with Brock & Dean not being around for a little while I doubt I'm going to pay attention to Raw that much. :\

They laughed but that means they have to strap the rocket on Ziggler's back!!

I can't envision where creative is going to go next. I guess they can call up a couple of the NXT guys. From last night moving forward it looks like

Bella Twins
Tag Team Title Turmoil

Suicide Seth has no one to feud with now. Unless they are finally going to break the in case of emergency glass holding Cesaro in.

They need to have Rusev beat Ginger for that United States strap man and just rename it the Russian Heavyweight Championship. Just makes too much sense.
What dates are those? I must be going blind but I can't find them on his podcast feed.

It's under his Tuesday Family Friendly section..There's a link next to his picture that says something about Tuesday's edition..Click the link and you'll see it..
Case Case How can you say Bray over Dean after last nights match.

I just like Bray's in ring style more..Dean is future HOF'er and I take nothing away from him..I just like the way Bray works in the ring better..I think if they'd put him with someone besides Cena or Jericho then he'd be farther along..The DBry angle was just not handled right, which I think we can all agree on..Put Bray with Orton, let 'em cook, and then come back and tell me he ain't every bit as good as Jeans..

Oh, and btw, how you just gonna try and show up outta nowhere and act like your boy didn't get his *** whooped at Summer Fest?..
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Speaking of Legend Killer when Randy brought that up last night to Flair I marked out. Legend Killer was the best thing done since the attitude era.
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