Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Re-watching Raw, I didn't realize how big of a pop Ryback got
.  The E has to let my dude Axel flourish.
Well that was his hometown :lol: but Bully Ryback needs to reappear, he was gold
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so what do u guys think of the cena Brock rematch at NoC ? too soon? and the tna doc thing was sarcasm
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backkk,got caught up watching gozilla (the new one) thought it was trash so turned it off 

so i  rko'd my girl(not literally but ya know what i mean 
 ) to bed then hit her wit the migos pose after 

lol i love ya dudes man,never a boring night on ntwt...well almost never 

anywayy..how was that tna tonight? cm punk come out yet?
backkk,got caught up watching gozilla (the new one) thought it was trash so turned it off 

so i  rko'd my girl(not literally but ya know what i mean :evil:  ) to bed then hit her wit the migos pose after 

lol i love ya dudes man,never a boring night on ntwt...well almost never 

anywayy..how was that tna tonight? cm punk come out yet?

did you really do the pose? don't lie
Y'all had me checking the channel guide to see when this supposed TNA doc aired.

I hate you all.
Watching this shield doc, man seth and dean gonna take those top spots away from Cena and orton in about 2 more years. Those guys are soooo gifted.
Watching this shield doc, man seth and dean gonna take those top spots away from Cena and orton in about 2 more years. Those guys are soooo gifted.
PLEASE GOD i do not wanna wait 2 years for that,but i guess your right.even tho i think there ready now

since cena will probably never have a significant injury,i guess the last hope is for his movie career to somehow take off
PLEASE GOD i do not wanna wait 2 years for that,but i guess your right.even tho i think there ready now

since cena will probably never have a significant injury,i guess the last hope is for his movie career to somehow take off

Cena gonna be 40 in 2 years I think. Vince/steph/Paul are not gonna have a choice but to go young

Reigns will be good also but there rushing him to the spot light right now before he's. ready
Cena gonna be 40 in 2 years I think. Vince/steph/Paul are not gonna have a choice but to go young

Reigns will be good also but there rushing him to the spot light right now before he's. ready
i wanna like reigns but they cant keep letting go out there with the same 5 moves and expect fans to stay entertained,dude even sets up the moves the same exact way every match.son was wrestling with seth and jeans for like 2 years and didnt learn a thing,hell he comes from one of the best wrestling families in history ,really no excuse for dude.
i wanna like reigns but they cant keep letting go out there with the same 5 moves and expect fans to stay entertained,dude even sets up the moves the same exact way every match.son was wrestling with seth and jeans for like 2 years and didnt learn a thing,hell he comes from one of the best wrestling families in history ,really no excuse for dude.

I'm so critical of dude but I gotta say he only started wrestling like 3-4 years ago and is being rushed to the limelight on potential. Which he def has
Man, they'll have Cena holding up that cum rag and running to the ring until the kids stop buying his stuff or Nikki releases a tape that ruins his image.

Wouldn't mind Cena at all if he wasn't in every single dam main event. Son could step to the side and let the young cats do there thing
Reigns has to expand his move set, and improve his mic skills. He has great potential...but it has to materialize and happen organically. WWE has to know in this day and age they just can't force someone to be over. Batista's last run and the permanent fan split on John Cena is a good example. Even Orton too at various times, I'll be honest. D Bryan's ascension was the last time we really got what we wanted...and Dolph's current IC run to a lesser degree. It's almost like when the fans are behind someone they go the opposite way just to spite us. Especially with the talk of Jeans not being a main event guy. Guess they see him as a B+ player too. :frown:
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