Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

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[h2]Hands-On: WWE 2K15[/h2][h2]It’s time to play the game…[/h2]
Even though 2K bought the rights to the WWE franchise last year during THQ’s liquidation, longtime developer Yuke’s had already done a lot of the heavy lifting for WWE 2K14 by the time the deal had been finalized. This year would be a different story, however: NBA 2K developer Visual Concepts had the chance to bring a few of their tricks to the table and elevate the bar for the franchise alongside Yuke’s. So, it was with great anticipation that I got a chance to go hands-on with WWE 2K15 at the annual SummerSlam preview event.

Right from the get-go, I got the sense that 2K is trying to bring WWE in line with its other major sports franchise by giving players something the series has never had before: a career mode. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to play this mode, but here’s the way 2K outlined it: To begin with, you’ll create a wrestler via the same celebrated customization system we’ve seen for many years now. From there, you’ll work your way up from the WWE training facility in Florida to the developmental territory of NXT to undercards on shows like RAW and SmackDown to winning lower belts to main-eventing PPVs—and finally, with some luck, end up a WWE Hall of Famer.

Longtime fans of the series should be happy to know that this is all in addition to WWE Universe mode, where you get to be the all-powerful GM of WWE programming and put who you want in whatever kind of matches you want. Both these experiences side by side could offer the WWE franchise the one-two single-player punch it’s desperately needed over the years.

But that’s not all we’re getting. I got a chance to get some hands-on time with the new 2K Signature mode, which follows in the footsteps of previous years where we learned about the Monday Night Wars or the Attitude Era. This year’s incarnation will tell the stories of celebrated WWE rivalries, including Triple H versus Shawn Michaels and John Cena squaring off against CM Punk—and I got to play the first match of that latter rivalry. As with previous years, classic WWE footage will help set up the matches that you’ll relive in the ring.

Once I was actually able to step into the ring in 2K Signature and Exhibition is when things got most interesting with WWE 2K15. The first major change fans will notice? The visuals. While some models were clearly placeholders (CM Punk, for example, looked like someone just put a wig on “Stone Cold” Steve Austin in Create a Superstar), and parts of the arenas still need some touching up, the elements that were fully rendered and ready to go looked great. Cena, Cesaro, Randy Orton, and even Goldust looked unbelievably lifelike and animated as smoothly as the NBA players do in NBA 2K, so I can’t wait to see how everything looks in the final product.

The other major in-ring changes, though, came in terms of gameplay, with two new features that could rub longtime WWE fans the wrong way. The first of these is a new rock-paper-scissors-style early grapple system. In order to try to tell a more accurate story like those seen every Monday on RAW or at a monthly PPV, early grapples will be met with a minigame that starts with a button press, which signifies one of three hold attempts you’ll go for. Whoever picks the superior hold will have the advantage, and then both players will use the right stick to try to find the “sweet spot” and further progress in this new quicktime event. If you progress fully, you either escape the hold if you picked the inferior selection at the beginning, or you’ll do a minimal-damage move like an arm wrench.

The idea is that every WWE match doesn’t start off with a bunch of power moves (unless you’re Brock Lesnar). There’s a slow buildup to the moments that make us start chanting “This is awesome!” After two or three of these early grapples, business will pick up, and the action will progress like players are used to, with the full array of moves available to do damage. Personally, I didn’t mind the new minigame mechanic, but I could see how after dozens of matches, it would start to grind on some people. Thankfully, there’s an option to turn them off, though they’ll be set “on” as the default option.

The other new mechanic ties into the interface, which has also seen some changes. Wrestlers now have three lifebars, which drop from green to yellow to red—the last of which represents the best time to try to pin your opponent. You also have a percentage meter that dictates when you can use Signatures and Finishers. At 100 percent, you can bank a Signature. At 150 percent, you can bank a Finisher. You can have a Signature and three Finishers banked at any given time, though I’m sure there’ll be options to modify that as well. The last—and easily most controversial—addition is a default stamina meter that’s now included in the UI.

The issue with the stamina meter is that by the time you get to the latter stages of a match and are ready to finally use your Signature moves, perform an OMG! Moment like throwing someone through a barricade, or finally hit your Finisher and win, the stamina meter won’t let you do it. You need at least half a stamina bar alone to perform a given Finisher. And every regular move, counter, or just running around the ring depletes it. While it’s unknown if the stamina meter can be turned off, I sure hope it can, because it really ruined the pacing of all the matches I played. Yes, it does seem to fall more in line with the simulation style 2K wants to achieve, but I just don’t know if WWE fans want a pure simulation when it comes to wrestling. After all, the sport itself has the over-the-top quality of an arcade game. Moving the needle too far in the “simulation” direction could have unintended consequences, and many of my personal frustrations centered on that damned stamina meter.

There was nothing worse during my hands-on time than having three Finishers banked in the 2K Signature match between Punk and Cena—and then not being able to hit any of them because Punk was worn down. I’d have to leave the ring and walk laps around it—with the dunderheaded AI-controlled Cena slowly following behind me—until my stamina returned and I could get back in the ring, perform a GTS, and win the match. And in Exhibition mode, my opponent and I were just taking knees and catching our breath, yelling at the meter to fill up faster and helpless to do anything in the ring to further our cause.

Even with the ill-advised addition of the stamina meter, I’m more excited than not about WWE 2K15. Once all the models have a full coat of polish, the game will look better than ever before, and I’m particularly excited about the career mode. But the minor gameplay tweaks seem to give the game too many simulation aspects, and that could hurt the overall experience come October.
Wouldn't mind Cena at all if he wasn't in every single dam main event. Son could step to the side and let the young cats do there thing

Same. It's really hard to even dislike him because of the good guy he is, but he does need to step to the side, so the younger dudes can get some shine.

I dislike him because he's so basic and boring in the ring. Him doing any type of submission is cringeworthy. He's been wrestling over a decade looks like he needs more training.

I still laugh when he does the STF. He's just one of those guys that only looks good doing shoulder blocks and slams.



WWE rumors: Triple H offered Alberto Del Rio his job back; John Cena lobbies for him

Alberto Del Rio was recently let go from WWE in one of the more highly publicized firings in the company’s history. The Mexican star was let go following an altercation with an employee backstage. Well now we’re learning that, while he was still going to be fired, Triple H extended an offer to Del Rio that he apparently refused.

According to a report from WrestleZone via the Wrestling Observer, Triple H told Del Rio to keep himself in check for a while and he could be brought back. However, already disgruntled with the company, Del Rio refused.

When Alberto Del Rio received the phone call from Triple H informing him he was being released from the company, Triple H reportedly told Del Rio to “keep his nose clean,” and when the heat from the backstage incident died down, WWE would re-hire him in 6 months or so. Del Rio reportedly told HHH he was not interested in being re-hired, and did not want to return to WWE.

When Alberto Del Rio received the phone call from Triple H informing him he was being released from the company, Triple H reportedly told Del Rio to “keep his nose clean,” and when the heat from the backstage incident died down, WWE would re-hire him in 6 months or so. Del Rio reportedly told HHH he was not interested in being re-hired, and did not want to return to WWE.

Additionally, top WWE stars like John Cena, Big Show and Randy Orton all told Del Rio they would push for him to be re-hired because most of the talent in the locker room sided with Del Rio following the backstage incident with Cody Barbierri. Again, however, Del Rio made it clear that he did not want to return to WWE.

It didn’t take Del Rio long to find a new job, as he immediately resurfaced with AAA down in Mexico over the weekend. But it’s still interesting to learn how well regarded he was backstage by so many people.
Update on Rey Mysterio’s WWE Status - Vince McMahon and Triple H Disagreed on How to Handle Situation

- Here is the latest report on the Rey Mysterio situation with WWE. As previously reported, Rey Mysterio's WWE contract was expiring in the spring, and he had planned to not re-sign with WWE. WWE then renewed his contract for another year, using a clause that allows the company to renew talent deals based on time they might miss due to injury.

When Mysterio's contract was ending, he met with Triple H. During the meeting, Mysterio stated that he was not interested in re-signing, and would be leaving the company when the contract ended. Mysterio and Triple H then reportedly had a handshake deal, agreeing that the two sides would be parting ways.

From there, it is reported that Vince McMahon then had Mark Carrano of Talent Relations call Mysterio and notify him that WWE was invoking the clause in his contract, which would lock him up with WWE for another year.

There had been talk of bringing Mysterio in for SummerSlam to do media appearances, since he lives in California, but the company opted not to do so. This was reportedly because they did not want him discussing his status with the company.

Credit: The Wrestling Observer via wrestlezone.com
lol why would ADR go back to wwe when he can finish his career in an up and coming promotion in his home. same thing with rey. makes no sense
AAA TripleMania outdraws WWE SummerSlam on Sunday

This past Sunday night was a big night in the wrestling industry. Not only was it time for WWE SummerSlam, but the AAA promotion also put on their TripleMania event, which featured the return to the company of former WWE star Alberto Del Rio, who had just been fired from WWE a few weeks ago.

Well it seems there was just as much interest, if not more, in AAA’s event and the return of Del Rio as there was for SummerSlam and the bout between John Cena and Brock Lesnar.

According to a report from WrestleZone, as far as attendance,TripleMania actually outdrew SummerSlam.

The 22nd annual AAA TripleMania event in Mexico City on 8/17 was a legitimate sellout, with an estimated 21,000 fans on hand. The announcement of Alberto del Rio (El Patron) making his return, and a teased appearance of WWE Superstar Rey Mysterio added a lot of anticipation to the show, adding to an already strong card that packed the house last Sunday afternoon.

In comparison WWE SummerSlam, which went head-to-head with TripleMania on PPV and iPPV, had an announced attendance of 17,537. To be fair, WWE packed the Staples Center to max capacity, about the same as they did in 2013.

Now as the report states, you have to be fair when comparing the arenas. However, this is still good news for AAA, as they look to make their mark in the United States. If people can see on TV that they draw interest, it only benefits them in the end.
Will Roman Reigns Survive the Reality Era?

Roman Reigns has passed every test thus far in his quest to become WWE’s next big star. His final test, however, will come when he is faced with the fickleness that has come to define the Reality Era.

Fans of today don’t necessarily embrace top stars. Underdogs with an independent wrestling pedigree like Daniel Bryan or Dean Ambrose are more their taste, while blue-chippers like Roman Reigns will inevitably earn their ire.

Just as Cena has received mixed reactions throughout most of his tenure atop WWE, Reigns should expect similar treatment. The impending return of Bryan will complicate things even further.

Reigns should survive the Reality Era, however. As long as he remains self-aware and rolls with the punches, his mixed reactions will be more of an acknowledgement of his mainstream status rather than an awkward deterrent.

WWE will not escape Reigns fatigue, but as long as the company remains invested and he moves merchandise, they’ll both greatly benefit from making Reigns a top star.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the fans start cheering Reigns more than Seth and Ambrose? Crowds would go nuts when he did the spear or the punch.
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the fans start cheering Reigns more than Seth and Ambrose? Crowds would go nuts when he did the spear or the punch.

That's because he was like the Green Ranger and always came in at the end to just finish the job. Rollin' Jeans did a majority of the gruntwork and it's only exposing Rains now that he has to have matches by himself.
When a baseball player has Tommy John surgery they are out for a MINIMUM of 12 months. Why do we think DBry is going to be ready for a battle royal in 5 months?
When a baseball player has Tommy John surgery they are out for a MINIMUM of 12 months. Why do we think DBry is going to be ready for a battle royal in 5 months?

Because a baseball player is repeatedly throwing 90+ MPH. Something young American Dragon won't be doing. But honestly only time will tell.
Anyone listen to Cheat Heaps on Grantland? They had Hogan and Mark Henrey on. It was great. Mark likes Bo Dallas a lot. And in the middle they brought up how great would it be if as a finisher for Bo he had a submission hold and while he has that hold he's yelling "dont give up. I bo-lieve in you"
lol yea i was listening to that also,funny how mark was like how he never won the tag titles and that was his goal and he would accomplish that with the big show i guess that was scrapped seeing as though he challenged rusev on raw.

speaking of tag teams ,they really seem to be wasting the usos with a terrible tag division at the moment,vince and shovel need to get the hardys and the dudleys on the phone asap
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