Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I'd mark out if The Hardy's returned. More so Jeff. I still jump on my couch's armrest now and then like Jeff used to on the turnbuckle before his matches.
yea id def rather jeff than matt but id take both as a package deal.i also really hope they work out something with kurt man,he deserves a rightful send off.

any word on sting?are they waiting on 2k15 to release so they can tie everything together? i really hope theyre not waiting for taker man 
Our man JET, aka Club, aka SEC Champ wanted me to throw this up here for him. It's from his title match over the weekend. Here's some notes on the video:

quick notes: botched on the leapfrog spot, he was supposed to leapfrog again. i need to pull my pants up. i mightve slightly tore my ab muscle after the fallaway, which is why i couldnt get him up for hte finish. gonna go see a doc later this week
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Roman Reigns was walking with a bad b***** in the airport in that doc 

i need info on that...
why would any kid wanna see kane at all.let alone as a last wish kind of thing?

although i respect the kid for not wanting to see cenas ***** ***
i can def understand where dc is coming from,i mean hell i heard even in disney world the villain characters treat the kids like ****
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