Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

I was so excited when I found out WWE was going to sign a contract for Levi's stadium. I'd been wanting to go to Wrestlemania since I was a kid. I'm never attending this trash again.
Wouldn't mind Cena at all if he wasn't in every single dam main event. Son could step to the side and let the young cats do there thing

Same. It's really hard to even dislike him because of the good guy he is, but he does need to step to the side, so the younger dudes can get some shine.
Wouldn't mind Cena at all if he wasn't in every single dam main event. Son could step to the side and let the young cats do there thing
He doesn't need the title and his legacy is cemented as holding the company mantle for a decade. But I think all the fans that boo him(myself included) don't hate him for just being stale, with minor character tweaks when he's in a really big feud, it's that combined with him not helping get other talent over like they did him. He beat JBL Angle, Jericho, Edge, HBK and HHH in his rise to the top, etc not to mention any mid carder on the come up in popularity...how many people have beat him really?!? RKO, Edge, CM Punk and now Brock. But that's pretty much it. He's the overdog. Not the underdog in almost every match. He has to fall back and take more of an HBK role where he just constantly puts on great matches(and he's been in many whether we'd like to admit it or not)without being in the title hunt and he would be appreciated far more by many in the wrestling community in my opinion.
Fully expect Neville, zayn, Sasha banks, Charlotte, ascension and SAWFT to make it to the main roster after takeover 2. Not on the same day but before years end and before nxt's special event in January.
Wouldn't mind Cena at all if he wasn't in every single dam main event. Son could step to the side and let the young cats do there thing

Same. It's really hard to even dislike him because of the good guy he is, but he does need to step to the side, so the younger dudes can get some shine.

I dislike him because he's so basic and boring in the ring. Him doing any type of submission is cringeworthy. He's been wrestling over a decade looks like he needs more training.
I was so excited when I found out WWE was going to sign a contract for Levi's stadium. I'd been wanting to go to Wrestlemania since I was a kid. I'm never attending this trash again.
Anyone know when tickets go on sale?
Renee if you're reading this...I would die for you.
backkk,got caught up watching gozilla (the new one) thought it was trash so turned it off 

so i  rko'd my girl(not literally but ya know what i mean :evil:  ) to bed then hit her wit the migos pose after 

lol i love ya dudes man,never a boring night on ntwt...well almost never 

anywayy..how was that tna tonight? cm punk come out yet?
You are the real MVP man. :lol:
I've come to realize that Dean and Seth have always been this good. It's just now that they're being able to shine as singles competitors
I think that because DB hasn't really had any major injuries in his entire career, they're trying to get all of them out of the way at once (neck, elbow, etc). I think he'll be fine. No more flying headbutts, though which is fine by me.

I just hate that he only had one title defense and they're keeping him on tv vicariously through his wife :smh:
:lol: at that RD Evans gif on the baseball field. I wonder how was that ROH show in Brooklyn btw. Also The Shield doc was cool
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