Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Low Ki rocks that wetsuit like he's about to go surfing...I'm watching TNA, what's poppin in NXT?
Summerslam 00-02 and 97 should be automatic watches. I feel like 96 and 99 should get some looks too, though It's slipping my mind at what matches were on those other than Test vs Shane McMahon.

I might post some random Stylin Allen Jones matches since ya'll were hating on him earlier. I would post some K-Nan matches, but he has about as many good matches as Christy Hemme
No nxt special this month or wwe can't afford it? Or they don't want to do it same month as summer slam and moved it to next month?
:lol: Dixie Carter "breaking her back"

Kenny Kang, still being your mad hype friend at the club who gets his *** beat for talking all that **** :lol:
Knockouts match was a little sloppy. Why did Taryn fall out of the ring after giving a double clothesline?

kenny saying dixie can afford a million dollar wheelchair made me laugh for some reason.
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