Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Going back to a conversation from earlier, Austin Aries is in that "best in the world" discussion.
Neville got more love than Aries did when I compared them last week..

I actually thought the majority of everybody said Aries :lol: other than bring younger, Neville doesn't have anything on Aries. They'd have a flawless match together, but the promos back and forth would be laughable from Neville.

Stylin Allen Jones

Arnold The Enforcer

:pimp: :pimp:
Actually I may have remembered that wrong. Maybe you guys were actually behind Aries. I'm a few drinks deep. I forget. Sue me.
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Peep you're wasting your time..Nobody in here 'cept me is gonna appreciate Double A's work..

Jeans will never be as good as the Enforcer..
So Sonada is James Storm's sex slave now? I guess that's sort of different

Peep you're wasting your time..Nobody in here 'cept me is gonna appreciate Double A's work..

Jeans will never be as good as the Enforcer..

:wow: #CastlePls
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No comparison, those years just tend to blend together for me, in all facets of life. Can't recall when those matches went down
This match just makes me want to watch Hardyz/Dudleyz/Benoit & Jericho/Edge & Christian from "Smackdown Xtreme". That was like the apex of ladder matches from that period.
Watching NXT. Glad to see Mojo Rawley get worked out by The Vaudevillians and Bull Dempsey. And Bayley is a cool little butterface. She's built nice. Just like her demeanor. She would catch the work with the lights off.
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Agreed about Bayley, both looks and skill wise. Who was that that said she looked like a potato :lol: :lol:?
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