Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Well it was pretty obvious that Kalisto and Sin Cara were gonna win once I saw they were fighting some jabronis...
I think Tyson Kidd is trying to take over as Player Hater #1. Put a terrible finish to a solid match. Welp...looks there's gonna be a triple threat match . Correction after the Sami run in...a tag match playa.
I think Tyson Kidd is trying to take over as Player Hater #1. Put a terrible finish to a solid match. Welp...looks there's gonna be a triple threat match . Correction after the Sami run in...a tag match playa.

Tyson Kidd finally has a character lol. #facts! And his Story line with nattie is better than most on raw right now. #facts! hope he doesn't stay there long tho.
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Tyson Kidd finally has a character lol. #facts! And his Story line with nattie is better than most on raw right now. #facts! hope he doesn't stay there long tho.
It's definitely the most I've enjoyed Tyson Kidd at any point in his WWE career. His seems to be a natural jerk, has the beef with Neville and recruited Justin Gabriel to be his tag along hater, and always disrespects Nattie. I also randomly throw in "FACT" during conversations with my wife. She's just shakes her head and laughs.
Heyman recording an album. :pimp:
What about the other double A peep. The one that got cut from tough enough and has been in TNA. any matches you'd like to share?
Usos faced Rybaxel and Sheamus/RVD for the tag titles. Yes, RVD and Sheamus teamed together.

HuniKalisto :pimp:

Will post some Aries matches later on, and probably some Hardy ones that I missed from the last post
Got a lot to say. Bare with me.

1. Those SHamrock podcasts with Stone Cold are must listens. Both parts were great. Cool hearing his stories about the early days of the UFC. Go listen fellas.

2. Really enjoyed TNA last night. I hope they get that TV stuff cleared up man. I forgot how much I appreciated the MOVEMENT of Manic. Dude just moves so flawlessly. Damn good to see Hardyz vs. Dudley Boys. While on the subject of Dudley Boys, listen to Bully Ray on James Ross's podcast. Damn good show.

3. Bayley vs. Sasha Banks was a good match. Both of these girls know their characters and play them WELL. I enjoy Bayley's gear. Sasha is so on/off to me. Some times she looks good, some times she looks funny to me. I don't know. She loves Eddy Guerrero so I will always have respect for The Sasha.

4. People on the 2K WWE forums have been crying ever since we found out that the matches on 2K15 will start off with a Collar/Elbow lockup and they wondered how many matches actually start off that way. I am really paying attention to it now. Each match from NXT this week start off with one.

I think Tyson Kidd is trying to take over as Player Hater #1. Put a terrible finish to a solid match. Welp...looks there's gonna be a triple threat match . Correction after the Sami run in...a tag match playa.
I have been saying this for a while now. That Tyson/Nattie angle could be GOLD on the main roster. It could be something as simple as him and her in the backstage and him trying to "control" what she has on. Telling her to change her clothes. Basically, he should be the dude that doesn't appreciate his girl until she is gone. Making her a victim and eventually getting the balls enough to leave him. People can relate to that. The fans will eat it up. Don't drop the ball WWE.
When it becomes available, y'all need to check out the Lethal vs ACH match for the ROH TV title from Philly. Joint went 30 mins
Yo that tornado DDT from Breeze/Neville was VICIOUS :x :x cot damn.

My neck hurt after seeing that.
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Not sure who was looking for Arn Anderson matches but no way this wasn't posted. Tired of the disrespect from yall man.

Muta vs. Arn

Yo that tornado DDT from Breeze/Neville was VICIOUS :x :x cot damn.

My neck hurt after seeing that.
Maaaaaaaaaaaan. I JUST saw it. My gooodness

Because you thought Neville was going to flip out of it but he took it and then Flair Flopped to sell it.
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The way Neville's head just spiked into the mat as he snapped back up to his feet. :x :smh:


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