Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

The way Neville's head just spiked into the mat as he snapped back up to his feet. :x :smh:



I always like how RVD would snap his head into the ground when he sold DDT's but that Neville one made me crings how his neck bent.
that looked crazy,neville is pretty damn good,when he coming up on the main roster? do ya see him having a high ceiling? or how bout zayn?
I don't see them being champs to be honest. MAYBE Neville. I can see Steen becoming champ tho. Even Devitt. 

But I feel like those dudes were brought in for mainly NXT only. If and when they get called up to the main roster, I can see all these new dudes DOMINATING the mid card division and restoring that prestige to the IC/US Titles. Do it Trips.
that looked crazy,neville is pretty damn good,when he coming up on the main roster? do ya see him having a high ceiling? or how bout zayn?
Zayn yes

Neville no

Neville has zero personality.

Zayn has a red beard so of course he will be embraced by the fans.
Neville needs Teddy Long, Thea, or Armando Estrada as his manager

And Ambrose probably fapped on Renee's feet right after that pic :smh:
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But I feel like those dudes were brought in for mainly NXT only. If and when they get called up to the main roster, I can see all these new dudes DOMINATING the mid card division and restoring that prestige to the IC/US Titles. Do it Trips.
This is how I would like to see it work. I think it can happen. I trust HHH, but Vince might might Kevin Steen take a laxative or something and doo-doo on himself in a CHopsticks on a Pole . match vs. Kenta. Knowing how he operates.
This is how I would like to see it work. I think it can happen. I trust HHH, but Vince might might Kevin Steen take a laxative or something and doo-doo on himself in a CHopsticks on a Pole . match vs. Kenta. Knowing how he operates.
Yessir. I know this was a HHH project but Vince gotta realize he has something very very special brewing down in Florida right now. It would be pointless to let them rot as jobbers on the main roster. They got some of the best wrestlers on the planet right now. 
that looked crazy,neville is pretty damn good,when he coming up on the main roster? do ya see him having a high ceiling? or how bout zayn?

Neville I kinda put in that Morrison category. Great wrestler that can pull off some crazy athletic stuff, but a really bad talker. And I'm a Morrison fan too.

Zayn, I think will have a Jericho type career. Great multi time IC Champion with a world title run every once in a blue moon.
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I would lick all that sand off Rebae's feet so I can taste the sea urchins that deposited itself on those beaches.
Just finished last night's NXT... Breeze is great and I wish he would get brought up. However, between Miz, Fandango & Ziggler, his gimmick is pretty much already taken :smh:
Just finished last night's NXT... Breeze is great and I wish he would get brought up. However, between Miz, Fandango & Ziggler, his gimmick is pretty much already taken :smh:
Fandango needs a more serious gimmick so he can connect better. He is a solid wrestler based on his FCW work.

Ziggler: Time will come

Miz: Don't really mess with the dude but James Ross made me understand that if Miz just embraces that JERK role a little bit more, he can really make his mark as a heel

Breeze's gimmick is kinda too much like a mixture of Fangango/Miz.
DC, I agree. Definitely moreso Miz/Fandango than my dude Dolph.

As much as I can't stand Miz, I actually think he has been playing this new role very well...
Ziggler is too good to be held down forever man. We need to "Daniel Bryan" him until WWE give sus what we want man
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[h2]WWE 2K15 First Hands-On[/h2]
gamescom 2014

by Bryan Vore on August 15, 2014 at 08:57 AM





For a game that's coming out at the end of October, it's surprising that we haven't played WWE 2K15 or even seen it until now. However, it has helped build anticipation and prevented oversaturation that can sometimes sink in by the time a game is launched. 

As we've heard, 2K is scanning in as many wrestlers as it can for inclusion in the game, including traveling to Shawn Michaels' remote home in Texas. Today we learned that the developers have traveled all over the U.S. with this mobile scanning setup and it wasn't just a one-off special favor. 2K confirmed that both Stone Cold Steve Austin and Sting were scanned in Los Angeles, and if the visuals we've seen so far are any indication, they're going to look great.

Currently, there are four playable fighters at Gamescom: John Cena, Randy Orton, Cesaro, and Goldust. As you can see in the screenshot above, the character models are impressively accurate. Everything from the shine on Goldust's suit to Randy Orton's smirk are spot on. You can even hear Cena yammering at the camera before he runs down the ramp in his entrance. Crowds look better with much more face and outfit variety, new child character models, and dynamic chants that respond to the situation at hand. 

The new 2K Showcase mode (announced last week) is based on the rivalries between CM Punk and John Cena and Triple H and Shawn Michaels. We got to see the opening video package for Punk/Cena and, with WWE's excellent production team onboard, it got me super hyped all over again for their historic Money In The Bank 2011 championship match in which Punk threatened to leave the company with the title. Spoiler alert: He only left in the "storyline" at that time. Today, he has parted ways with WWE in real life, so unfortunately 2K was not able to get him in front of its scanners. I'm sure in a previous WWE game CM Punk's character model would blend in with the rest, but when everything else looks this good his face is noticeably off. 

In-ring action feels crisp and looks far more natural thanks to over five times the animation data of last year's entry. Strikes feel like they connect more and moves performed near the edges of the ring will cause wrestlers' body parts to interact realistically with the ropes. A new chain wrestling minigame kicks in towards the start of the matches, mimicing real life wrestling ring psychology. This initiates a rock, paper, scissors mechanic between the two grapplers in which both select either a side headlock, a wrist lock, or a waist lock. Each hold beats or loses to another. The winner ends up in a dominant position, but victory isn't in the bag yet. Both players must find a sweet spot with the right stick before their opponent. If the dominant wrestler wins, they'll perform a move, and if the defender wins they will move into the dominant position. It sets up a chain flow you couldn't really do in the game before and offers a close look at the wrestlers' more expressive facial animations as they wince in pain while someone's wrenching on their arm, for example.

Commentary makes a leap as well, with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler recording VO at the same time rather than doing it solo and mashing the tracks together later. 2K is trying to focus on telling a story in the ring with the calls rather than just describing the moves in the ring. When I was playing as John Cena, Lawler discussed the effectiveness of his signature STF, noting that he used it to beat Mark Henry at Money in the Bank 2013 and Chris Jericho at Armageddon in 2008.

We've got a lot of details here in Germany, but there's even more to come very soon. The entire WWE 2K15 roster will be revealed tomorrow, a day before the annual SummerSlam pay-per-view event in Los Angeles.
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