Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Ziggler was on a streak of hitting pretty fluid Zig Zags, but now this :rofl: :rofl:

I knew Titus was losing, but him getting a full entrance :smokin Slater Gator on tv in general :pimp:
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Vince molesting the WWE logo.

That Layla gif.
Wow...Harper and Rowan have lost a **** ton of matches as a team :lol: :lol:

That Layla shower gif :smokin brings a tear to my eye remembering those other divas trying to make her surrender

Aaron Houston

:lol: :rofl: at AJ pulling one of Eva's tracks out. This girl stinks

Finally Paige hits the Paige Turner correctly since being called up :x :pimp: that was brutal
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Eva sucks. Glad to see her getting beat up, but mad she's technically beat AJ twice. Paige is sooooo much better as a heel.
Bo with that logical explanation. Stupid ref. don't stop Bo-lieving people. Even though Vince did. :frown:
Chick in the short white shorts and Ziggler shirt caressed Reigns' shoulder, then slowly rubbed his sweat on her thigh like it was lotion :lol:
I will say this. Miz plays the role of a buster far too well. It's like he isn't even trying...
If Miz used these tactics before applying the bootleg figure four he does it would be far more practical. Just saying.
New Cheap Heat Brothas!

With Noelle Foley

Mark Henry
And Hulk Hogan!!!
Noelle is cute and the fact that she didn't pull her phone out when Rosenberg and Shoemaker were on theirs makes me like her more
.  Btw, how are you gonna be on your phone when you have a guest?
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