Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

New Cheap Heat Brothas!

With Noelle Foley
Mark Henry
And Hulk Hogan!!!
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Looks like SummerSlam is coming back to the East Coast next year, so that's good...
Mrs. Foley's Baby Boy's Baby Girl :lol:

Sexual Vanilla :nerd:

Mark Henry & Big Show are now a tag team. So much for The Nation :smh:
The way Neville's head just spiked into the mat as he snapped back up to his feet. :x :smh:



Damn.. I thought RVD sold the DDT the best..
I want Henry getting a push.

I wish this actually happened back during the Cena feud/fake retirement angle

Same here. Monster heel Mark Henry had been one of the best heels in years. So natural and convincing. At this moment though, this is basically Henry and Show's best usage. I know not a single person on here wants another Big Show solo run, no matter if it's heel or face.
They really are pushing Reigns heavy with all these promos. His timing is still awkward though. He clocked Miz though. Can't be mad at that I guess.
When did Cesaro's theme go from Perry Saturn sirens to San Andreas post-driveby sirens?

:wow: Cesaro just used my old CAWs finisher
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Really looking forward to the Jeans and Rollins match. They if anyone could find a way to make a Lumberjack match entertaining. And Seth with those harsh words. Playing for keeps like Ricky Bobby.
Reigns might soften up Miz enough for Dolph to win Sunday. He gets my temporary support for tonight at least. Mr. Ziggles is about to wash Titus.
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