Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Summer slam is not in LA next summer thank god. It's in ny. My guess is msg, citi feild or Yankee stadium

Edit: it could be red bull arena in nj as well
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Anybody going to Summerfest? Was thinking of going at least to try and see SCSA at the 12:00 thing at the Nokia theater since I have all this greatness from the comfort of my own home for the low price of $9.99.
Anybody listen to jericho incorporate his feud into his podcast?

Not the best promo, but it definitely innovative. I would like to see this happen again if austin/punk ever occurs.
I would like to learn more about the wrestlers and commentary of course..

@Peep Game

Early morning goodness

25:45 is where the counter to the Swinging DDT that I was talking about. I thought Neville was going to counter his like THIS

M-Pro - Sasuke/Tiger Mask/Shiryu vs Delphin/TAKA/Naniwa - 03.16.96 :
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Good read. Club, please read

Advice to younger wrestlers when talking to a Old School Wrestler:
1. Refer to yourself as a wrestler, not a worker.

2. Shake hands like a man, no loose hand shakes please.

3. Don't say the word story lines. The Old School wrestler will understand the word angle much better.

4. Also the term tweener is not a acceptable term. Listen to Austin's podcast and you will hear his thoughts on that.

5. Old School Wrestlers don't like the the term writers. Booker is a better word.

6. Another word to avoid,sports entertainer. Call yourself what the fans call you, a wrestler.

Now, I know the world has changed. Just trying to give younger wrestlers advice on how to talk to us older people. Remember, these men and woman came up when the business was different than it is now. And if any of these guys are on the card you are on, that person is probably responsible for selling what ever tickets that have been hard. They are not taking your spot because without having a TV to get over on, you are not going to be over like that. The people want to see their heroes from the past. The people when it is advertised will pay to see these guys and you get to wrestle in front of a larger crowd.

Then, do every thing you can do to steal the show because remember that Old School Wrestler does know every trick in the book and he is also trying to steal the show. And, he has the heads up on you because he is over, he is established and he does not have to take risks or kill him self to have a good match. And remember, people didn't pay to see Jackie Fargo get beat. They paid to see Jackie Fargo be Jackie Fargo.

This makes sense to me. It will make sense to Lawler, Dundee, Jarrett, Austin, Undertaker' Foley and many other wrestlers fans will pay to see. I hope this makes sense to you. I am not blaming anybody. It is not your fault. There are no more territories. There are no places where a young guy can wrestle six or seven nights a week, learning this business. And remember, on the WWE rooster and in the Performance Center, Dusty Rhodes, terry Taylor, Brian Armstrong, Arn Anderson, Michael Hayes and many more will be giving out this advice and much more.
Summer slam is not in LA next summer thank god. It's in ny. My guess is msg, citi feild or Yankee stadium

Edit: it could be red bull arena in nj as well

im in thereeee...any fellow ny or tri-state nters on here,we should def set something up to go to this,if not im still in there 
:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

im in thereeee...any fellow ny or tri-state nters on here,we should def set something up to go to this,if not im still in there 

If it's in ny I'm in there but jersey, I'll watch on the network

If SummerFest is here in NY next year then I'm in there.

NTWT summit.

I kinda do hope it's at Yankee stadium tho. fits 50k maybe 60k fans with seats on the field. If dude from aventura sold it out so can wwe.
It's def in the the NY/NJ area without a doubt. Most likely NY @ msg. LA gets I think survivor series next year or the 2016 rumble
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