Wrestling Thread Aug 11-24 | 8/18 RAW - Brock DESTROYS Cena, New WWE Title Belt (Bye Big Gold)

Just a reminder guys, if you don't want the 6 month commitment for 9.99 you could sign up for the 1 month commitment for 12.99 tonight. Of course, chances are Dolph will job to the Miz, so I understand why no one would want to pay 9.99 or 12.99.
Looking forward to tonight going to have my cheat meal so I will be in a food coma while watching the matches.
RVD v. Cesaro, not sure if there's a second pre-show match.

I'm gonna flourish on this survey :pimp:
Viewing party before the PPV? If anybody is free. Getting my stuff together, first day of school tomorrow so I am chillin. Let me know
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