Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

ok screw it, you want NT Slam? schedule it for this monday before RAW


Singles Match
LobotomyBeats vs ITO

#1 Contenders Match
Hymen Man vs GHIMS vs The Deek

Singles Match
4W vs Rusty Shackelford

Ntercontinental Championship
Club(c) vs DC

US Championship
Peep Game(c) vs. PLVN

NTWT Championship
Yardfather(c) vs Hombrelobo

2 more matches to be added.

now thats a STACKED card

 at the cena puking under the ring 

When i saw the elevator in cena's closet i literally said wtf.. 
Catching up on pages I missed over the last few days so bare with me...
And why were all the wrestlers just standing there and not helping D. Bry. Because the 3 Shield members were there? LOL
I also thought it was hilarious that while DBry was being whooped, nobody on stage came to help. I would've LOST it if Darren Young came sprinting down there
I guess the Shield had 20 faces shook or something.
This is why...
I guess the shield handicapped matches were to lay a seed in the viewers mind of way no one came to help bryan out of fear of their being ramifications like there were for ziggler and show.

Yeah, one or two of the Shield might have had backstage heat over some ****, but that looks like it's in the rear view mirror and it's back to re-establishing them as alpha dogs.
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- According to PWInsider, Sin Cara broke his fingers in his right hand. Cara connected with the dive and immediately upon landing, called for the referee as several of his fingers were obviously out of place. If he broke his metacarpals, he would require surgery and have to go through grueling physical rehab.
I was surprised as hell to read that a bunch of y'all thought this was a work. Everything about it seemed legit to me at the time and indeed it was.

Swagberto was PISSED b. Already in a foul mood because of the bar fight and then this **** happens with probably the one guy he hates more than anyone else in the company.

There is "super, super heat" on Sin Cara for quitting the match due to dislocated/broken fingers.  The feeling is that you do not quit a match in the way he did due to a finger injury.
Triple H once told Sin Cara to come back early from injury because he had a bad rep amongst "the boys in the back" concerning how soft he was. Pretty much said if you wanna shake off the quitter label and earn respect from the guys in the locker room...learn to "tough it up" and get your *** out there.

On the flip side, Daniel Bryan is basically looked at as the anti-Sin Cara on the respect meter. After that backstage incident he had with Triple H (they now have the PERFECT opportunity to implement that in the current storyline) and getting a main event match at Summerslam a few weeks later...you can basically say he's teflon right now.

So yeah. Definitely not shocked about Sin Cara heat. It's what I've come to expect from their culture.
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Every time he does that "sneaking" thing I lose it.
Bruh it's GOLD. Might be my favorite part of his weekly tirades.

Anyone thinks that Bryan will win the WWE title again has no idea of what product they are watching, hope you guys enjoyed that 3 minutes.............That is all Vince will give you....
*quotes for future purposes*
Does punk have a fascination for wolverine? Dude has the wolverine look too with that beard
Once I saw Punk switch up the hairstyle and market the match as Best vs. Beast, I knew he was going for this...
Bet you Vince had/has no ******g clue about it.

Too tired right now to put my full thoughts together on it but I wanna ask y'all something about Brock. Maybe tomorrow.
You guys are really into wrestling I see. Is it as entertaining as it was in the mid-late 90's?
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Smackdown Spoilers

Opening in ring segment with Vickie Guerrero introducing Randy Orton as new WWE champion. Randy says he's the face of the WWE.  Out comes Daniel Bryan, stating Orton has been given everything to him because of his father.  Bryan calls Orton pretty, so pretty he wants to kick him the face. Fans start chanting yes! He wants a rematch against Orton tonight. Orton says not tonight and goes for RKO but Bryan  dodges and drop kicks Orton out of ring end of segment.

Backstage promo of Vickie on the phone Barrett shows up. Its now Bryan vs. Wade Barrett in a cage match.

Curtis Axel w/ heyman b Rhodes. Heyman cuts promo about Punk, calls him a sad pathetic loser. Brock Lesnar beat Punk 123 @ sslam. Without Heyman, Punk is nothing. With Heyman, Axel has found himself and is untouchable.Axel challenging Punk this Monday from Phoenix.

Ziggler b Big E Langston w/ zig zag.

Del Rio b Christian via arm bar submission. Cuts promo about being a Hispanic hero. Tells people they can't be him because they're peasants. Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and cuts almost same promo as Monday.  He introduces RVD.  Christian attacks Del Rio from behind.  RVD hits a rolling thunder.  End of segment.

Show & Mark Henry b 3MB in a handicap match. The Shield appears on screen says that have no respect for Show and Henry.

Darren Young b Antonio Cesaro with gut check. Young's mouth was busted open just a bit.

Randy Orton comes out prior to main event and hides under ring.

Axel v Punk confirmed for next weeks raw.

Daniel Bryan b Barrett via running knee for pinfall. Bryan celebrates around the ring;  Orton comes from under ring and RKO's Bryan on the outside. He raises belt in victory over DB. End of Smackdown..

Dark match Bryan & Show & Henry b The Shield
Smackdown Spoilers

Opening in ring segment with Vickie Guerrero introducing Randy Orton as new WWE champion. Randy says he's the face of the WWE.  Out comes Daniel Bryan, stating Orton has been given everything to him because of his father.  Bryan calls Orton pretty, so pretty he wants to kick him the face. Fans start chanting yes! He wants a rematch against Orton tonight. Orton says not tonight and goes for RKO but Bryan  dodges and drop kicks Orton out of ring end of segment.
Backstage promo of Vickie on the phone Barrett shows up. Its now Bryan vs. Wade Barrett in a cage match.
Curtis Axel w/ heyman b Rhodes. Heyman cuts promo about Punk, calls him a sad pathetic loser. Brock Lesnar beat Punk 123 @ sslam. Without Heyman, Punk is nothing. With Heyman, Axel has found himself and is untouchable.Axel challenging Punk this Monday from Phoenix.
Ziggler b Big E Langston w/ zig zag.
Del Rio b Christian via arm bar submission. Cuts promo about being a Hispanic hero. Tells people they can't be him because they're peasants. Ricardo Rodriguez comes out and cuts almost same promo as Monday.  He introduces RVD.  Christian attacks Del Rio from behind.  RVD hits a rolling thunder.  End of segment.
Show & Mark Henry b 3MB in a handicap match. The Shield appears on screen says that have no respect for Show and Henry.
Darren Young b Antonio Cesaro with gut check. Young's mouth was busted open just a bit.
Randy Orton comes out prior to main event and hides under ring.
Axel v Punk confirmed for next weeks raw.
Daniel Bryan b Barrett via running knee for pinfall. Bryan celebrates around the ring;  Orton comes from under ring and RKO's Bryan on the outside. He raises belt in victory over DB. End of Smackdown..
Dark match Bryan & Show & Henry b The Shield

Looks like the Busaiku Knee Kick is gon' be D Bry's regular finisher moving forward :nthat:
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