Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

I think Orton stays champ to WM, Bryan fails to win the title back and wins the Rumble setting up his massive go over against Orton at WM30
I remember someone posted that WWE was looking for local athletic dudes to play extras for RAW tomorrow, what do you guys think that's for?
@ the last 3 replies.

JC knew what he was taking that pic of
The move is called the bom a ye.

I saw Bryan use the same move before in ROH. But the first person I saw that used the Busaiku Knee Kick was KENTA I think.

Cena knew what the outcome was and was being a d*ick most of the match

His injury limited him and Bryan carried the match The ending was fine. I said earlier I could not see HHH in this role but how they ended it with the hints that this is a reup of Orton and HHH then this could be awesome. Just let this play out. But Orton could be champ til mania as well

I think he did a decent job tonight even though he was extremely limited by his injury.

Vince and HHH will reveal they have been in cahoots all long tomorrow night on Raw.

Who's gonna side with D Bry and play Linda's role? Steph maybe?
Word, Grizz.
I think Orton stays champ to WM, Bryan fails to win the title back and wins the Rumble setting up his massive go over against Orton at WM30
I like that scenario. I think it's the right way to do it.

**** it, don't even give Bryan a rematch yet. Keep them away from each other until Wrestlemania. Let Corporate Orton have another Age of Orton type run until then.

Bryan keeps trying to get another shot at the belt but HHH/Vince keep getting in the way. Bryan wins the Rumble and finally gets his redemption at WM.

I'll allow it.
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So Orton #1 heel and Dbryan #1 babyface for a few months okay. Just get rid of Hunter and McMahon's
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