Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Just came back from watching Summerslam at Kezar Pub in San Francisco. I thought my friends and I would be the only people watching but it turns out the whole room was filled. I felt like I was at a live event with all the random chants going.
Y'all I swear I didn't even notice them cheeks till y'all pointed it out lol. Best believe I got a bacon wrapped hot dog though!
Reddit.com user “Dolphins1925″ had released his “predictions” for tonight’s SummerSlam pay-per-view event an hour prior to it starting. As noted before, he has been right on with his predictions this year, and has gotten media coverage from several outlets. Here were his predictions.

Prediction:Rob Van Dam
Prediction:Brie Bella
Prediction:Big E Langston & AJ Lee
Prediction:Damien Sandow
Prediction:Brock Lesnar
Prediction:John Cena

He also predicted Orton cashing in.
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I have no way of fact checking this right now...but I believe tonight's match was Cena's first singles loss of 2013.

We're in the middle of August, dawg.
Didn't get to watch the Kane/Wyatt match.

Was it any good?

Dolphins1925 only posted three results. The main event was not one of them due to their being multiple scripts. They caught onto him for the moment because the ones he predicted were no brainers.
Word, Grizz.
I think Orton stays champ to WM, Bryan fails to win the title back and wins the Rumble setting up his massive go over against Orton at WM30
I like that scenario. I think it's the right way to do it.

**** it, don't even give Bryan a rematch yet. Keep them away from each other until Wrestlemania. Let Corporate Orton have another Age of Orton type run until then.

Bryan keeps trying to get another shot at the belt but HHH/Vince keep getting in the way. Bryan wins the Rumble and finally gets his redemption at WM.

I'll allow it.
I just don't like the Orton cash in tonight..I think it makes Bryan look weak..He's had 2 title reigns and both of them ended with him looking like a punk..18 second loss to Sheamus for the WHC and a five minute reign with the WWE title doesn't make him look like anything other than a little guy that can't hang with the big guys..And tomorrow night on Raw when they play up Cena's injury will just make him look that much worse..
Watching Total Divas now. Nattie in lingerie is a win.

And that damn Naomi :smh:

:x :rofl: Tyson Kidd
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