Wrestling Thread Aug 12-25 | 8/19 RAW -SS Fallout- Bryan d Cena, Orton Corp Champ, Brock Kills Punk

Watching Total Divas now. Nattie in lingerie is a win.

And that damn Naomi
Why don't Naomi and Cameron go by their real names on the show?
They do.
Great PPV but I want an updated version of Evolution with the Shield

Future-The Shield

I know it won't happen but this would be great television.
I just don't like the Orton cash in tonight..I think it makes Bryan look weak..He's had 2 title reigns and both of them ended with him looking like a punk..18 second loss to Sheamus for the WHC and a five minute reign with the WWE title doesn't make him look like anything other than a little guy that can't hang with the big guys..And tomorrow night on Raw when they play up Cena's injury will just make him look that much worse..

Kinda agree. But he did comeback stronger than ever the first time they buried him. I expect him to get even more over this time around.
Didn't check the thread during or before the Punk/Lesnar match so my fault if this was posted already.

- There's a rumor making its way around the internet currently that the reason World Heavyweight Champion Alberto del Rio looked so banged up in his match against Christian Sunday night, is that he may have been involved in a physical altercation with fellow WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre. 

While details are scarce, rumor has it that the two got into it backstage this weekend before SummerSlam, and the fight may have involved a few others. Del Rio had a noticeably bruised face and black eye during his championship match against Christian. 
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What a night! DBry is by far the most over person in this company. He's gonna be even more over after tonight. Crowd was great and was on fire for the Brock-Punk, Dbry-Cena matches! Can't beat the seats I had for 50 bucks either! Big thanks to Hybridsoldier for the tix!

You're welcome bro. I had a great time meeting you and JRA. PPV was really fun live. Sad that I missed out as a kid during the attitude era to catch a show.

After thinking about it, I think this was a once and a lifetime event. Never again do I expect Cena to lose CLEAN, drop the title, and lose without taking a finisher. :lol:
As my love for Naomi grows, so does my hate for Cameron.

This. Cameron and her bf are perfect for each over, both corny as hell

The Bellas :smh: :stoneface: Brie is gonna mess around and start looking like Angelina Love

USO and Kidd :lol: :lol:
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Shield in Evolution only works if they're repackaged.
Evolution is basically modern day 4 Hourseman which means playboy
type of stuff.
Yeah I don't think Shield fits the "Evolution" mold either in their current state. Maybe someone like Rhodes can fit the role Orton had as the up and comer. Ziggler would be a good fit too.
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HHH being ref was a stupid thing for Bryan to be ok with.
HHH says he's gonna call it down the middle, oh you mean like every real referee,
that's not Brad Maddox?
Shield in Evolution only works if they're repackaged.
Evolution is basically modern day 4 Hourseman which means playboy
type of stuff.

Agree. If they do name their stable, I think they go with some new version of the word "Corporation". If they incorporate The Shield, they don't need repackaging. They Shield would just play the role of Shamrock/Bossman roles.
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