Wrestling Thread Aug 15-21 | 8/15 Raw - ADR Fulfills His Destiny as WWE Champ | SS Contest Results!

If they don't give Morgan a stupid gimmick this time around I could see him beasting in the E.

I'm in the midcard

DFly for IC Champ
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

If they don't give Morgan a stupid gimmick this time around I could see him beasting in the E.

i agree.

was there an eric young segment this week on impact?
I see i'm on the roster. I've never done the whole NTWE thing if someone wants to explain it to me.
u didnt miss one? U didnt miss one!
No TennHouse on the main roster!! Conspiricy
i was in the match of the year with lobo

i had the promo of the year

and i was in the legendary tag team deekhouse

yet i get passed up for A lil jimmy mcfly? Who the &%#@ is jaypesoz?

u cant handle the truth, so u hold me down... i thought u were diffrent ghims but i see ur just like all the rest of these lil jimmys in the ntwe universe 

i want some respect around here or ill be taking my talents to NTNA were im garunteed to be champion and destroy the roster in 2 weeks
With all the computer issues I've had over the last month and a half I haven't been able to keep up with this thread..Now the NTWT is getting split up into seperate rosters?..
Where in the blue hell is my tag partner in that roster?!

I demand answers and until this is addressed, I am just going to sit in this thread and make snow angels
I just had to
Since bret hart was coming to San Jose in a couple of weeks. Now I need the winged eagle and I'm done with replicas ;D
Just watched the fantastic del Rio / Danielson match from SD... you know what I took away from that... I'd rather have Dusty Rhodes, Hornswoggle, Monsoon, and Mike Ademle do a four man booth than listen to those 3... they really take away from what is being shown... i don't believe a single move was called the entire match... nothing but bickering...
There's a convention in SJ?
Totally agree on the commentary, had Ross and Lawler or just Matthews and Booker T been calling it, it may have ranked up there with the best of TV matches these past few years. All Cole did was call Bryan a nerd and annoy Matthews. Whats up with Booker saying "I don't even know what to call that" a lot?  Much better than last week and Bryan looked like he could beat the WWE Champion. Great selling, although the ending seemed a bit rushed. Considering they wrestled twice in a row on SD hopefully they feud down the line.
Yeah the end did seem a bit rushed... though Danielson was going to get out the arm breaker... if they had another 3 minutes would have been much better... still great though
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Just watched the fantastic del Rio / Danielson match from SD... you know what I took away from that... I'd rather have Dusty Rhodes, Hornswoggle, Monsoon, and Mike Ademle do a four man booth than listen to those 3... they really take away from what is being shown... i don't believe a single move was called the entire match... nothing but bickering...

I didn't realize how awful the commentary was until Summerslam:

Michael Cole: Wait a minute, OH MY GOD, WHO THE HELL IS THAT????



Booker: You've got to be kiddin....THAT'S MY BIG HOMIE!!

Michael Cole cannot sell emotion at all. Pitiful.
at the TennHouse conspiracy.

My boy Mark Henry is #1 contener
Could this finally be his time?!? He his never been built up so well.

And Cole really needs to go.
Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

There's a convention in SJ?

Totally agree on the commentary, had Ross and Lawler or just Matthews and Booker T been calling it, it may have ranked up there with the best of TV matches these past few years. All Cole did was call Bryan a nerd and annoy Matthews. Whats up with Booker saying "I don't even know what to call that" a lot?  Much better than last week and Bryan looked like he could beat the WWE Champion. Great selling, although the ending seemed a bit rushed. Considering they wrestled twice in a row on SD hopefully they feud down the line.

Nope, but I became close friends with the guy at Eastridge's Milo's Sports Shop so he told me he was getting a lot of people coming
down to his shop. The Hart Foundation came before but I missed it
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