Wrestling Thread Aug 15-21 | 8/15 Raw - ADR Fulfills His Destiny as WWE Champ | SS Contest Results!

^ he doesn't even have his arm up correctly, its like he's throwing his arm up in victory
Originally Posted by biff lawson

Originally Posted by RKO2004

NT summit for Survivor Series? I've never been to a PPV and Cincy probably wont get another for a while. Plus it'd be cool to see New York.

4wrestling, you going?

id be down for that i never been to a PPV either

Yes, I would definitely go.  Anyone who is SERIOUS about going, e-mail me, and we can start talking about getting things together.
[email protected]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by biff lawson

Originally Posted by RKO2004

NT summit for Survivor Series? I've never been to a PPV and Cincy probably wont get another for a while. Plus it'd be cool to see New York.

4wrestling, you going?

id be down for that i never been to a PPV either

Yes, I would definitely go.  Anyone who is SERIOUS about going, e-mail me, and we can start talking about getting things together.
[email protected]
I might be down for this. Could be epic with The Rock there
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by biff lawson

id be down for that i never been to a PPV either

Yes, I would definitely go.  Anyone who is SERIOUS about going, e-mail me, and we can start talking about getting things together.
[email protected]
I might be down for this. Could be epic with The Rock there
let's do this.  I know I'll probably be 3-4 deep with my boys already
hombre, I need to talk to you.
Meet me in Brutus Beefcake's Barbershop, I just need to tell you something, nothing serious.
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Ran across these and had to post them, glorious (except for Mark Henry cheesing)
A reboot of The N.O.D is long overdue.

I've been saying that for years now man. I thought it would have been perfect around 06/07, when Pope, Monty Brown, MVP and Mark Henry.
I think it was halfway acknowledged around the time when Christian, MVP, Kofi, and R-Truth teamed together in 09.

Spoiler [+]
Some dude made this awhile back
Damn. That custom NOD titantron makes me wish MVP was still in the WWE so that this could happen. But since he's not...make it like:

R-Truth(leader) tone down the goofiness a bit and he'd be perfect as the leader.

Mark Henry

Ezekiel Jackson

Christian(this does kinda make sense in a way)

Kofi(something tells me he'd be 10x better as an NOD type heel)

Ron Simmons(manager)
Can somebody tell me when did Angelina Love finally stop being a zombie and became a lesbian, and when did Winter
become the female Gangrel? SOmetimes I just get lost with the Impact storylines.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I've never been to NY either, I'd be interested in going to Survivor Series. 


Now we're cooking. My girl wants to go (She's a wrasslin fan)
. She doesn't know about getting on a plane though
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by jdcurt2

I've never been to NY either, I'd be interested in going to Survivor Series. 


Now we're cooking. My girl wants to go (She's a wrasslin fan)
. She doesn't know about getting on a plane though
Cancel her. 

If by some crazy miracle I come into some money, I'll be down to go 
Real early thoughts, and we can obviously discuss this more later once we get a better idea of who is actually in.

-I'm not looking to do ringside (floor) seats for two reasons. 1) They're too expensive. 2) Even if we could all afford them, it will be almost impossible to get more than 2 together.
-I would be comfortable with tickets around $100. This would hopefully be decent lower level seats.

When you e-mail me, please include your NT name. Also where you're from.

A few have said they are already planning to go with 3-4 others. As we would at most be able to get 8 tickets in a group, if you are already planning to go in your own small group, it would probably be best if you purchased tickets on your own. That's not to say we all can't meet up before and after, but I don't think we would all be able to sit together.

But like I said, everyone e-mail me if you are planning to go to the show whether if you would sit with our group or not, and I'll get together an e-mail group so we can all talk and figure things out.
I've been wanting them to do a new NOD for a while and thought it would've been perfect to pair up Truth & JTG. So my NOD would be:
Leader: R-Truth
Muscle: Mark Henry
Tag-Team: JTG & Ezekial

Or you could put Henry/Ezekial together for a new DOOM!
- The segment on Monday’s RAW with The Miz putting over Subway is said to be building to something bigger.

I have absolutely no idea what that could even be leading to.

- WWE sent out a survey to fans today to see if they were interested in a John Cena branded clothing line and other merchandise that would be available through retailers. Apparently WWE has been interested in releasing a Cena clothing line for a few years.

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