Wrestling Thread Aug 22-28 | 8/25 Matt Hardy Hospitalized, Jeff Hardy Returns to TNA

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Commentary has been pretty decent tonight. Only in Canada.

jr's getting more talking time. which it needs to be like every night.
i dont understand how the guys in the back dont realize that all that stupid distracting nonsense that cole and king talk about just takes away focus, suspense, and over all interest from the match.
On the whole, the announcing for Raw was 100x better than it has been in recent weeks.  Like you said, Cole was toned down and JR got a lot more talking time.  Lawler was actually more annoying than Cole tonight.  Hopefully this trend of JR getting more time continues.
Originally Posted by BigPUNoy

Just looking at both company websites and seeing how the LHW would match up against the X-Division, and man TNA has a lot of "nobodies". They really should've given the X-Division it's own show with the Knockouts because I don't see half of those guys getting on tv. The possible FCW guys are already more exciting and have more potential than almost anyone in the X-Division. I would welcome the return of the LHW, hell they should just dedicate Superstars to it.

WWE's Lightheavy Weight Division:
Curt Hawkins
Evan Bourne
Daniel Bryan
Heath Slater
Justin Gabriel
Sin Cara
Trent Barreta
Tyson Kidd
Yoshi Tatsu
FCW Possibles: Dean Ambrose, Hunico, Peter Orlov, Richie Steamboat, Seth Rollins & Tito Colon

TNA's X-Division:

AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Anthony Nese
Austin Aries
Brian Kendrick
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
Doug Williams
Eric Young
Jeff Hardy
Jesse Sorensen
Kid Kash
Mark Haskins
Robbie E
Shannon Moore
Zema Ion
It's all well and good that HHH has these good intentions, but until Vince is dead and gone, I just don't see it happening.  Yes, HHH has a ton of power, but he's still #2 in charge.  Vince still has the final say on everything.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

HHH knows it was steph. He is trying to keep everything under wraps and he can't control it. Why would he just leave the ring with Nash????

They are painting the HHH vs Punk match at WM. Now it is just obvious.
Yes, it's definitely a slow build towards Punk vs HHH, but I don't see it lasting until WM.  That's just too long in modern WWE.  I will say they have their match at Survivor Series.
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

i swear i'll spit my milk out if i see otunga and mcguilly come out with the open hoodie/backwards bart simpson hat combo again.

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

release otunga, send michael to fcw, repackage him, give him a gimmick similar to his dads and give him back his real name

Real name, yes.  Gimmick like his dad's?  I'd say no.  Look how that turned out for Ted Dibiase.  McGuillicutty doesn't have 1/100th the talent, charisma, and speaking talent of his dad. It would be a major fail if he tried to copy the gimmick.
Honestly though, I don't see much of a future for him.  I think he may be a lost cause at this point.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I liked it better when these two were separate. This is a bad combo

I thought they were awesome together.  Both guys realistically weren't doing anything in the singles division right now.  They both are great talkers and seem to feed off each other (and the crowd) on the mic.  I'm looking forward to a program with them as a tag team, especially facing Bourne and Kofi.  Should be a very good series of matches.
Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Ive been trying to tell yall about the truth im glad everyone sees the light now

And i think iv found my new ringtone...

It was getting ugly for a while after his main event at Capitol Punishment, but he looks to be done with the stupid comedy gimmick and back to a serious heel.
Originally Posted by JRAdagreat72

King sounding like a Cena mark, bruh. Even JR poking at him for that :smh

I was completely confused by King's burying of Punk.  Saying he doesn't think he's very good?  He hasn't proved himself?  It's one thing to say you don't like him, but so say he's not good makes Lawler just look like an idiot and lose whatever little credibility he had left.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by venom lyrix

Originally Posted by bkmac

Nash in a car accident, where the hell are they going with this?

Seems kinda obvious to me, then again I may be way off.
Funk tells HHH that Nash is in an accident, which gets HHH "out of the building"

Obviously Nash wasn't in an accident, but this is Funk's way to screwing Punk bc Punk has been calling him a !$!%%, so now Nash will pop up to cost Punk the match, setting up for Del Rio vs Cena and Nash vs Punk at NOC.

Next week on Raw, Nash signs a contract to join the WWE to make the match with Punk official.

I'm quoting myself because I think this will certainly happen.
One way or another, they're setting up Punk vs Nash @ NoC.  And since Laurinaitis is in charge of signing talent and they've acknowledged this on TV, it makes sense.  I just don't know why there is distension between HHH and Laurinaitis.  That really hasn't been explained, although they could play that Laurinaitis is still acting on behalf of Vince.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

I liked it better when these two were separate. This is a bad combo

I thought they were awesome together.  Both guys realistically weren't doing anything in the singles division right now.  They both are great talkers and seem to feed off each other (and the crowd) on the mic.  I'm looking forward to a program with them as a tag team, especially facing Bourne and Kofi.  Should be a very good series of matches.

They brought clout back to the tag titles before and pissed it away. The WWW needs a stable tag division. It adds that much more to the show. I hope they don't blow it. As for the main event picture. I'm hoping they hold off on an actual Punk and Triple H match. Let that be the night the build for their mania match is really set in motion with some type of screw job or swerve. So many possibilities for Survivor series.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

You guys. The announcers have to push cena. They really are trying to get ALL of us to like him. All the stuff being said is how the wwe feels about him. Even Cole does it. They truly do not understand why people like us do not like him
WWE does understand why people don't like him.  Cena acknowledged it himself in his promo with Punk a few weeks back.  He said people don't like his work rate, his five moves of doom, his corporate lifestyle.  Regardless though, WWE is set on keeping Cena as the top face forever and ever and ever.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Great TV match between Cena and Punk.  Punk hit a great GTS and I hope he keeps that running knee in his move set because that was awesome.
Although, I really am NOT looking forward to Punk/Nash at Night of Champions.  I'm not looking forward to anything involving Nash.

And I think this was a great night for Alberto Del Rio.  They really got him over as a mean, dangerous heel champion tonight.

Del Rio got over tonight without doubt, his character is going to flourish as champ however long that lasts. His promos made it seem as if he needed the title to let his character shine.
Punk VS Nash gets a ugh, but at least until Punk runs over the line Hunter is a face, who wants the situation to be fair. But its clear that hes getting the run around as the COO, Steph and ACE are running the Punk situation, but its a bad thing if steph doesnt get back on TV..... If Hunter is going to be a face until WM season then she has to be involved. Put him in a situation where he would have to fire John and Steph to regain control of the company, he doesnt betray his wife and then its HHH vs Punk at WM. I figure 3 months of steph on TV can make this feud a little better.

As far as the Ziggler, Swagger situation, they shouldnt be in a feud they should be a tag team. really who is going to beat Kofi and Bourne that wont look like your burring them in the depths? If you dont have long term plans for Bourne, at least make it a feud that culminates in a match for the US title. I wouldnt mind that group eventually being in a feud where they want to be tag champs, but they want to be the US champ too.

Really the US title picture is looking like Ziggler Kofi, Miz truth, and thus Morrison. Swagger has no momentum, Mcintire hasnt been on tv in a month.
Kofi/Bourne, Miz/Truth, Swagger/Ziggler would have been a nice start to reinvigorating the tag team division.  Then they could get serious about the Usos, and bring in Kings of Wrestling, and you have 5 solid tag teams.
Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

Could this be a testing of the waters? Possible Cena is the one that sent the text? Didn't triple H cut promos in the past about Cena being the future of the company. And now him caring about the well being of the company? Punk against the McMahon-Helmsley-Cena (with Nash as a lackey and whoever else they decide to bring back from the kliq)?

The text said something along the lines of "Stick whoever wins the match", so it really wouldn't make sense if Cena sent the text.
Plus I have officially given up on the possibility of Cena ever turning heel.  It's never going to happen.
Originally Posted by Furrell

TheWindScar31 wrote:
Could this be a testing of the waters? Possible Cena is the one that sent the text? Didn't triple H cut promos in the past about Cena being the future of the company. And now him caring about the well being of the company? Punk against the McMahon-Helmsley-Cena (with Nash as a lackey and whoever else they decide to bring back from the kliq)?
Laurinitis sent the text. It was clear after last night.

Overall it was a solid Raw.

-I really loved the Miz x R-Truth duo and thought they meshed well together. Bringing back R-Truth's music with a new freestyle was awesome.
-The main event was good from the fans throwing Cena's shirt back in the ring to the match overall. I just didn't like the ending because no one wants to see Punk vs. Nash at Night of Champions. As Jim Ross would say, that match is going to be bowling shoe ugly.
-The only thing I didn't like was that Otunga and McGillicutty lost the straps. Bourne and Kingston are already over. Way over with the fans. They lose nothing by having the champs go over and begin to establish them as a formidable duo. They need to have the tag champs appear on both shows because the belts are worthless with the current setup.

There was no hope for Otunga/McGuillicutty with or without the straps.  Both guys are terrible in the ring and have zero charisma.  Send them back to FCW for a year and hope when they redebut, the fans don't remember this failed tag team run.  It's funny looking back at NXT when a lot of people (me included) thought Otunga had the most potential of anyone on the show (well, other than Danielson).  I definitely saw Otunga ahead of Barrett.
Originally Posted by YardFather

Originally Posted by solidsnake

They threw Cena's shirt back at One Night Stand years ago

It got thrown back at least 3 or 4 times in a row.

Solid episode of Raw last night but I agree with whoever said they don't need these guys (Punk, HHH, etc) coming to the ring 3 times a night.

Kofi and Bourne will be a fun tag team to watch.

Del Rio was booked great.

The Awesome Truth was gold and should be a great tag team.

Props to WWE for not hotshotting the CM Punk angle. As unattractive as a CM Punk vs Kevin Nash match may sound, it's just a good way to prolong the storyline, especially if they really are building towards Punk vs HHH. A lot of people were expecting WWE to give away Punk/HHH at NOC.
Completely agree about Punk/Nash.  The match will probably suck (I'm sure they'll use every gimmick they can imagine to get through the match) and Punk BETTER go over clean, but it definitely is a good way to prolong the program.  Especially because they are also teasing problems between Nash and HHH.  I'm just hoping this all ties together nicely in the end and isn't one of those WWE angles that gets so messy that it never comes back together.
Originally Posted by Let Me Post


sorry, not uploading properly.

text reads: "After 9 years, I have decided to call it a career here on NT

I was recently banned and will not be "re-signing" anytime soon, as I have decided to kill off the Club character."
Club leaves and you reappear?
We all know what's going on here.  Get lost, clown.  You're disgraced about not being able to take the crown, so you come back under a mask.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Plus I have officially given up on the possibility of Cena ever turning heel.  It's never going to happen.
I've come to terms with this also a while back.

The question now is, will the 'E ever produce/attempt to produce another (few) top faces?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

 – The August 22 episode of Rawscored a 2.97 cable rating, down from 3.29 the week before. The first hour drew a 2.93 before increasing to 3.01 in the second.
Not good with MNF getting ready to start up.  That always knocks .3-.4 off the normal Raw rating.  Could be ugly, especially if it gets to the point where USA starts getting unhappy.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by brasilianmami

Originally Posted by im that one

 qft. at least someone gets it. you drones.
Just because I'm a first ballot hall of famer doesn't make me Cena

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Who's talking about HOF? That isn't why. You are 4Cena now, you were yesterday, you will be tomorrow. You don't care about the people who don't like you no, no, no. Not your concern at all. As bad as you were buried by the newly retired Club you just didn't care. Barely a response directed towards him. You come out, did your song and dance, and saluted.... but not just to anyone did you 4Cena? You stood up, saluted, and performed for all those cats around the world. Those meows to you are like a 6 year old having their woman-like high pitched screams of joy for super cena. keep it up with the no selling, hghing out, and constant burial of talent. way to go bro.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]i told you at the beginning of the year when you called yourself the king of ntwt, kings die. The clock is almost up.[/color]
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by Furrell

TheWindScar31 wrote:
There was no hope for Otunga/McGuillicutty with or without the straps.  Both guys are terrible in the ring and have zero charisma.  Send them back to FCW for a year and hope when they redebut, the fans don't remember this failed tag team run.  It's funny looking back at NXT when a lot of people (me included) thought Otunga had the most potential of anyone on the show (well, other than Danielson).  I definitely saw Otunga ahead of Barrett.
I actually thought the same about Otunga. He actually seemed to have some natural charisma about him, though i already new his wrestling was gonna be
he had only been wrestling for like a month or so before being on NXT. Did it seem like he slowly started to lose that charisma or aura about him the more he was on
tv though?

Originally Posted by 3dgarfly23

- WWE officials have had discussions as of late regarding acquiring cruiserweight talent. A full-fledged revival of the cruiserweight division, however, has not been confirmed.

The belief is that cruiserweight talent would give Evan Bourne or Sin Cara more similarly styled opponents to work with not to mention that the quality of wrestling would strengthen the organization's undercard
Bring them back! About %*!+%%% time!
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