Wrestling Thread Aug 22-28 | 8/25 Matt Hardy Hospitalized, Jeff Hardy Returns to TNA

Great TV match between Cena and Punk.  Punk hit a great GTS and I hope he keeps that running knee in his move set because that was awesome.
Although, I really am NOT looking forward to Punk/Nash at Night of Champions.  I'm not looking forward to anything involving Nash.

And I think this was a great night for Alberto Del Rio.  They really got him over as a mean, dangerous heel champion tonight.
Stone Cold introducing the "What?" is one of the worst things ever and won't go away.  Fans are ******ed for still doing it.
Just got in and things are picking up right where I left them off at Swagger and A-Ry. 17 pages? Let's gooooo..!
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Great TV match between Cena and Punk.  Punk hit a great GTS and I hope he keeps that running knee in his move set because that was awesome.
Although, I really am NOT looking forward to Punk/Nash at Night of Champions.  I'm not looking forward to anything involving Nash.

And I think this was a great night for Alberto Del Rio.  They really got him over as a mean, dangerous heel champion tonight.

Del Rio got over tonight without doubt, his character is going to flourish as champ however long that lasts. His promos made it seem as if he needed the title to let his character shine.
Punk VS Nash gets a ugh, but at least until Punk runs over the line Hunter is a face, who wants the situation to be fair. But its clear that hes getting the run around as the COO, Steph and ACE are running the Punk situation, but its a bad thing if steph doesnt get back on TV..... If Hunter is going to be a face until WM season then she has to be involved. Put him in a situation where he would have to fire John and Steph to regain control of the company, he doesnt betray his wife and then its HHH vs Punk at WM. I figure 3 months of steph on TV can make this feud a little better.

As far as the Ziggler, Swagger situation, they shouldnt be in a feud they should be a tag team. really who is going to beat Kofi and Bourne that wont look like your burring them in the depths? If you dont have long term plans for Bourne, at least make it a feud that culminates in a match for the US title. I wouldnt mind that group eventually being in a feud where they want to be tag champs, but they want to be the US champ too.

Really the US title picture is looking like Ziggler Kofi, Miz truth, and thus Morrison. Swagger has no momentum, Mcintire hasnt been on tv in a month.
Ugh, I wanted a Swagger/Ziggler team. Lame.

I would mark for Swagger being US Champ, though. Especially if they bring back his pryo.
Could this be a testing of the waters? Possible Cena is the one that sent the text? Didn't triple H cut promos in the past about Cena being the future of the company. And now him caring about the well being of the company? Punk against the McMahon-Helmsley-Cena (with Nash as a lackey and whoever else they decide to bring back from the kliq)?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

McGillOtunga may have their first true challenge for the tag gold in Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne. Will "Bourne to be Kingston" continue their success? Or will the former Nexus put them down early?With reports of the WWE looking to revamp the Tag Team division, it would make sense to have Bourne and Kingston go over. They've been going over McGillOtunga at house shows recently, which may or may not be an indication of them eventually capturing the titles from the remains of the Nexus.

All this, maybe some Zack Ryder, and that good ol' Canada craziness, tonight on Raw.


But it was an easy call to make.

Sidenote- Jeff Hardy returns to wrestling this Thursday. "@JEFFHARDYBRAND: Ok it's official...time to go back2work!I will be in Huntsville,AL this Thursday with ImpactWrestling!!!!"
Miz and Truth is the greatest team to ever assemble. That was some NWA-TNA K-Krush R-Truth right now. I LOVE IT.

Good RAW tonight overall.

And just for clarification... the guys whose move set consists of dropping to his knees and low 'blowing' someone is saying I have a two set arsenal? Get real Chump.. i'll have your nephew or cousin or whoever it is you always talk about wearing my shirt instead of Cena's in no time.
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Also, why does the thread title include 4w?
Will we be getting updated via title on all his life milestones?
It'll be a rough one when of his cats die.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Lawler again... "We're in bizarro land, Canada" because they were booing Cena.
How does this guy still have a job?

from the looks of it tonite the King seemed to be a bit Heelish in his commentary and Cole was more face like...

I would love for this to be true...the commentary the past few weeks has been awful
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Good Great RAW.
Punk was gold on the mic as usual.

Cena and Punk had another quality match.

 @ Cena getting the business from the Canadian fans and ADR's reaction.

Once the Funkman came to Triple H talking about Nash's accident I knew the ending was set in stone.

That Awesome Truth segment was gold.

Truth's freestyle.

A vid of that segment would be greatly appreciated.

 @ "Road Warrior Hulk"
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