Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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Cat woman doing Crossfit :rofl:

I want Ryback to go back solo to his bully role and leave Axel in the dust
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I have no idea who's on the card or if it's just a house show or regular taping or however they do it.

All I know is that:

1)ROH usually has the best crowds
2)ROH usually has the best wrestling
3)Philly never ever dissapoints when it comes to a wrestling crowd (see MITB last year)


This is the match card for the ROH show this weekend, apparently theres going to be 2 shows in Philly as well in September. Might try to go to the Saturday one if I dont go to tomorrows. Do you know if you can buy tickets at the door and if so how much?
Give my guy Hunico something to do. In a way, Hunico vs Sandow was bizarro Cesaro vs Dolph. Either could've believably won
This is the first time I've seen Ziggler somewhat slow down his corner punches :lol: "1...2...3...4...567891012"


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Man, so on Smackdown Rusev washed Big E again...What was the point of supposedly starting a new faction if it's never addressed or you don't see any type of character development arise from it. At least Summer Rae and Layla still partner up against Fandango's opponent to follow some sort of logical continuity.
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WWE production team needs to be in the Hall of Fame. That video package made it seem like Steph and Brie were HHH and Mankind at Royal Rumble 2000

The fans chanting for Reigns to help Ambrose, but they forgot that Reigns doesn't care about Ambrose nor Rollins anymore :lol:
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Pretty sure that NoD 2k14 faction is dead.

Looks like WWE somewhat gave them a shot to see what they could do with it. Xavier delivered (from what I gathered in here). Kofi did nothing. Big E did nada.

So they not gonna pursue it

Or maybe they pulling back to get Henry in the mix. Dunno
When exactly were Kofi and Big E given the chance to do something? They had 1 match on Main Event, stood backstage with no chair, and were at ringside for the Usos match last week. That stinks if that is the case though. Happy go lucky "Skillz" Kofi is unbearable.
I figured that moment when Xavier cut that promo and that time they stood ringside were their opportunities 
When exactly were Kofi and Big E given the chance to do something? They had 1 match on Main Event, stood backstage with no chair, and were at ringside for the Usos match last week. That stinks if that is the case though. Happy go lucky "Skillz" Kofi is unbearable.

Happy go lucky is the best phrase to describe Kofi Kingston. :lol:

He really should just start giving a cheerful shrug every time he loses like "that's the way the cookie crumbles".
From a technical standpoint, is Nattie the best wrestling diva?

Also, enjoyed the Ziggler Vs. Rollins match.

Not sure why Big E had to get washed by Rusev
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