Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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Yes, even with the slander she gets from NTWT. But she's rarely been in meaningful enough feuds/matches to consistently see that, which moves AJ in front of her.
AJ's better than Naomi?  I don't think I've seen a match where AJ actually puts in work.
Well Naomi is the best athlete on the divas roster, but I don't think she has all the little things down yet (structure, pacing, etc.) if I had to rank divas purely on wrestling (main roster only), it would be something like this:

1) AJ
2) Nattie
3) Paige
4) Naomi
5) Summer
6) Emma
7) Alicia Fox
8) Tamina
9) Layla
10) Nikki
11) Brie
12) Cameron
13) Rosa
50) Eva Marie

Everybody knows I've randomly watched divas matches over the years. Based on old FCW and maybe even OVW stuff, Rosa has rarely been in the ring to the point where she forgot how to wrestle. Layla was looking like Dean Malenko right after she came back from injury, then regressed back to the medium. Yes I just wrote this much about divas.
I'm watching bash at the beach 2000 and Jesus this show is terrible

I'm skipping a lot of matches but the opening where the cat is the commissioner and gets jumped by the Jung dragons :lol: then to top it off they do a ripoff of the rush hour bid smh

Then the whole hogan Russo situation what a mess
Well Naomi is the best athlete on the divas roster, but I don't think she has all the little things down yet (structure, pacing, etc.) if I had to rank divas purely on wrestling (main roster only), it would be something like this:

1) AJ
2) Nattie
3) Paige
4) Naomi
5) Summer
6) Emma
7) Alicia Fox
9) Layla
10) Nikki
11) Brie
12) Cameron
13) Rosa
50) Eva Marie

Everybody knows I've randomly watched divas matches over the years. Based on old FCW and maybe even OVW stuff, Rosa has rarely been in the ring to the point where she forgot how to wrestle. Layla was looking like Dean Malenko right after she came back from injury never, then regressed back to the medium. Yes I just wrote this much about divas.
Valid points (aside from the shot at Malenko), I'll agree with that list.
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This dude Hero is starting to really let himself go. :smh:
Damn, I thought that was an old picture of Bryatt Way (As Konnan would call him)

From a technical standpoint, is Nattie the best wrestling diva? :nerd:
I would say so. I think Paige is on the rise but Natalya's experience edge puts her over the top. Like you said, she never really gets a chance to show her abilities.
Re-Watching WrestleMania 30. Man that opening Hogan/Rock/Stone Cold moment was special. Any wrestling fan of any era would appreciate it.

Triple H's Entrance was vicious man. Hate on that man if you want, that was a HELL of an entrance. - #wm30

We need that man @WWEDanielBryan back in the ring man. Things haven't been the same without dude.

@StephMcMahon 's facial expressions/body language during that opening match deserves credit man.

Forgot @WWEDanielBryan was wearing the Bruiser Brody Boots that night.

Well Naomi is the best athlete on the divas roster, but I don't think she has all the little things down yet (structure, pacing, etc.) if I had to rank divas purely on wrestling (main roster only), it would be something like this:

1) AJ
2) Nattie
3) Paige
4) Naomi
5) Summer
6) Emma
7) Alicia Fox
8) Tamina
9) Layla
10) Nikki
11) Brie
12) Cameron
13) Rosa
50) Eva Marie

Everybody knows I've randomly watched divas matches over the years. Based on old FCW and maybe even OVW stuff, Rosa has rarely been in the ring to the point where she forgot how to wrestle. Layla was looking like Dean Malenko right after she came back from injury, then regressed back to the medium. Yes I just wrote this much about divas.

Bro I know it'll sound crazy coming from me since I used to despise the Bellas more than 4w did zack ryder.
But you gotta put the Bellas higher on the list. the fact that they were Kelly Kelly status just 5 years ago. You could make the argument that they are the most improved women wrestlers not coming from a wrestling background since Trish. They aren't Trish level but you can't lie that they haven't improved in ring and on mic if not more than expected.

Ever since they left and realized that they aren't getting work anywhere else in Hollywood they tightened up and started learning. And the fact that their significant others are wrestlers.
I think they could go out there and have a better paced and overall wrestled match at this point right now over Naomi and Layla. Naomi too green and can't pace and Layla as much as I like her still can't cut a promo to save her life after almost 10 years.
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