Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

If Smackdown Moves to Thursdays, Are You...?

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I actually just started playing 2k14 again recently. :lol:

Finally got into the Wrestlemania mode; finished up the Hulkamania Era and about to start the New Generation Era with the first match being the Razor Ramon v. HBK Ladder match from Wrestlemania X. :pimp:

Having a blast with the Wrestlemania mode, but like the Attitude Era mode from WWE 13 once you beat it they really isn't much replay value.

Played Defend the Streak mode with Taker a couple of times. Was thisclose to beating all 50 superstars they put against you. Number 48 Jake the Snake Roberts came into the ring, reversed a couple of moves on me, put me in a submission and it was a wrap after that. :lol:

Also took a crack at Defeat the Streak mode for the first time with CM Punk. It wasn't too bad at first, then after giving him a solid beatdown he went Super Saiyan Taker on me.  Dude did starting no selling my moves and doing the Undertake sit up, and when I did have him on the mat incapacitated he would put me in Hells Gate anytime I tried to pick him up. :lol: This fool even caught when I was coming of the turnbuckle and chokeslammed my *** when I was going for Punk's ****** elbow drop. :lol: :smh:

He even did the black out the lights trick too. Dude pulls out all the stops when you're on the verge of beating him.

After my fifth unsuccessful attempt at defeating the streak with Punk, I was like....

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I'll come back to it. :lol:

This sounds both awesome and frustrating as ****

According to one video game critic who has tested an early version of the game, “it’s so realistic that you won’t even want to play it.”

:rofl: :rofl:
My wwe live stream is trash. Been watching hulu and amazon all day with no issues. Start wwe, struggling to get through 20 seconds without freeze.

Normally I only watch replays of the new ppv so not used to this live issues shenanigans
Which SummerSlam should I watch tonight? :nerd: I watched the 97 one last week. I was thinking
about either 02 or 04.
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This was around the time I stopped watching so all this is new to me.

I see what people saw in rey wwe years ago. Definitely not the same bum he is now

Bae prime

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never knew about this faction

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Book with the double scissor :pimp:

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Shawn came to SS given no ***** about attire

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HHH vs HBK match is solid as hell. As JR would say it tells a good story.
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Followed up an incredible match with some weird Trisha x Lillian Garcia x Howard Finkel angle. Random as hell

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Main event Brock v rock...not as good as trips/HBK, still entertaining. Assuming rock when in as face, it's pretty crazy how much the crowd did "rocky sucks".

Solid ppv altogether
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