Wrestling Thread Aug 4-10 | 8/7 Breaking WWE News - Alberto Del Rio FIRED

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I don't even care about the storyline, but I like the idea of those guys having direction and purpose. Why can't every wrestler have a purpose/program? It's not that hard.
Anybody still playing WWE 2K14? Toine? Anybody?

Just started getting into Universe Mode. It is cool. I just play as DOlph on Smackdowns and Tyson Kidd on NXT.

Me (Tyson) & Gabriel just beat the Ascension in a Tag Team Ladder match for the titles.

Now we are feuding with El Local and Kalisto. Should be fun.
New Nation stuff was always dumb. Good they got rid of it before they made themselves look like fools because they don't know what to do with black athletes.
aint u some sort of militant or some **** always on your malcom akbar shabazz steez,now ur glad they stopped a push of black wrestlers? regardless of how it played out,any shine a black wrestler can get in the wwe is cool with me,i guess ud rather see some more of that r truth early 90s thug/black ranger gimmick.

it didnt have to be a new nation,i guess that what everyone was saying and that wasnt the direction they were tryin to go in so they scrapped it.so dumb they coulda just been kicking *** didnt have to be about race,but then again this is america.
I honestly would rather see them do nothing (while employed) than to see them perform some nonsense like that New Nation would have been. Just tired of seeing "ethnic" folks get these stupid gimmicks/storylines.
Anybody still playing WWE 2K14? Toine? Anybody?

Just started getting into Universe Mode. It is cool. I just play as DOlph on Smackdowns and Tyson Kidd on NXT.

Me (Tyson) & Gabriel just beat the Ascension in a Tag Team Ladder match for the titles.

Now we are feuding with El Local and Kalisto. Should be fun.

Didn't even know they had nxt wrestlers in 2k14. May play today
Gonna have to fire up 2K later today. Anybody on the 360 wanna play? Y'all prolly gonna wash me
Anybody still playing WWE 2K14? Toine? Anybody?

Just started getting into Universe Mode. It is cool. I just play as DOlph on Smackdowns and Tyson Kidd on NXT.

Me (Tyson) & Gabriel just beat the Ascension in a Tag Team Ladder match for the titles.

Now we are feuding with El Local and Kalisto. Should be fun.
I actually just started playing 2k14 again recently.

Finally got into the Wrestlemania mode; finished up the Hulkamania Era and about to start the New Generation Era with the first match being the Razor Ramon v. HBK Ladder match from Wrestlemania X.

Having a blast with the Wrestlemania mode, but like the Attitude Era mode from WWE 13 once you beat it they really isn't much replay value.

Played Defend the Streak mode with Taker a couple of times. Was thisclose to beating all 50 superstars they put against you. Number 48 Jake the Snake Roberts came into the ring, reversed a couple of moves on me, put me in a submission and it was a wrap after that.

Also took a crack at Defeat the Streak mode for the first time with CM Punk. It wasn't too bad at first, then after giving him a solid beatdown he went Super Saiyan Taker on me.  Dude did starting no selling my moves and doing the Undertake sit up, and when I did have him on the mat incapacitated he would put me in Hells Gate anytime I tried to pick him up.
This fool even caught when I was coming of the turnbuckle and chokeslammed my *** when I was going for Punk's ****** elbow drop.

He even did the black out the lights trick too. Dude pulls out all the stops when you're on the verge of beating him.

After my fifth unsuccessful attempt at defeating the streak with Punk, I was like....

I'll come back to it.
I couldn't complete the Beat the Streak mode for a good minute then I went nuts on Taker with old school Lesnar :lol: You HAVE to reverse that Tombstone when the lights cut out or youre ******. Use weapons as much as possible too.
New Nation stuff was always dumb. Good they got rid of it before they made themselves look like fools because they don't know what to do with black athletes.
aint u some sort of militant or some **** always on your malcom akbar shabazz steez,now ur glad they stopped a push of black wrestlers? regardless of how it played out,any shine a black wrestler can get in the wwe is cool with me,i guess ud rather see some more of that r truth early 90s thug/black ranger gimmick.

it didnt have to be a new nation,i guess that what everyone was saying and that wasnt the direction they were tryin to go in so they scrapped it.so dumb they coulda just been kicking *** didnt have to be about race,but then again this is NT.

-WWE 2K15, the soon-t0-be-released video game featuring the superstars and action of World Wrestling Entertainment, is reportedly the most realistic instalment of the franchise, even featuring bozos in the audience chanting for the long-absent CM Punk.

The game, slated for October release on next-generation game consoles, boasts the most lifelike graphics and sound yet, depicting in high-definition the bleating of sheeplike fans ruining promos with hackneyed chants.

“This is the most immersive WWE game in history,” boasts a press release issued by game developer Yuke’s, “making players feel like they are actually being annoyed by dimwits at a live WWE event.”

The digital fans in the game, many of whom are wearing ratty old nWo shirts, seem oblivious to the fact that CM Punk has not been seen in WWE for eight months and has insisted that he will never return.

Other new features intended to enhance the realism of the game include:

Obstructed views due to fans holding misspelled signs in front of the camera
Commercial breaks in the middle of matches
Other annoying chants, such as “Goldberg” (during Ryback matches) and “What?!”
Non-stop jabber about the WWE App and WWE Network (“It’s only $9.99″) by commentator Michael Cole
Every playing session begins with a 15-minute in-ring promo by Triple-H
According to one video game critic who has tested an early version of the game, “it’s so realistic that you won’t even want to play it.”
Dat Dude Chris, pretty sure they were selling tix at the door.

Great seats right near the ramp. I'll be back with pics fellas. ROH puts on a GREAT show. Sitting through three hours of tapings and not complaining one bit

Yea it was awesome. Even my cousin was impressed and he hasnt watched wrestling since Edge retired
word is creative already dropped the new nation gimmick smgdmfh

SMH I knew it. I called it last week during RAW
Man I quit trying to break the streak a while ago. I tried 12x consecutively with dbry. The closest I got was a reversal of the tombstone then hit him with the 3rd running knee of the match. He kicked out of it too :lol:. I was like this some bull and haven't played the game since

@dc na ps3/ps4
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