Wrestling Thread August 15th-20th/ Tonight NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn II At 8PM Eastern/ SummerSlam This

I want to wear one of my Seth Rollins tees tomorrow but im afraid of messing up the taboo right now


im terrifed right now
Bruh im wearing one of mines tomorrow...I hope I dont jinx him
which one?

We cant be matchy matchy bc we'd jynx it for sure

@Dat Dude Chris
[h3]Losing to Balor will hurt Rollins credibility as a main eventer[/h3]
There is only so much Rollins can lose until his credibility starts to suffer.

  • Sure he beat Reigns but got cashed in by Ambrose right away.

  • Failed to regain the title and had the match against Ambrose end in a draw

  • Was then pinned clean by Ambrose failing to regain the title again

  • Then also failed to win the triple threat match

  • During his feud with Balor at no time did he stand tall and get the upper hand

  • Now by the looks of it he will have yet another big loss against Balor
Rollins is going into this match with a dire need of a big win to prevent his credibility as a main-eventer and top tier guy from being damaged.
Fib Babler loses : )

Crowd was super lit, I don't think the cameras could translate just how deafening it was in there during Nakamura's & Roode's entrances.

Also a few "Delete!!!" chants and a few Terminator claps which were hilarious.
Catching up with Takeover..

-No Way Jose has the dumbest name in NXT, but dude is pretty impressive in the ring..
-Austin Aries just don't cut it with me..He's decent, but won't do much while with WWE
-Ember Moon is pretty good in the ring..Don't know how I feel about her gimmick but she's entertaining..Has a really cool looking finisher..
-Andrade has the dumbest outfit..It's like a bootleg Godfather type deal..But he's solid in the ring..He'll be a decent mid-carder on the main roster if he makes it that far..
-Bobby Roooooooooo is ridiculously over..Needs a better finisher than doing Road Dogg's finish minus the simulated butt secks..
The crowd seriously was going nuts over the tag match.
Especially in the section I was at, the crowd straight hated The Revival.
Catching up with Takeover..

-No Way Jose has the dumbest name in NXT, but dude is pretty impressive in the ring..
-Austin Aries just don't cut it with me..He's decent, but won't do much while with WWE
-Ember Moon is pretty good in the ring..Don't know how I feel about her gimmick but she's entertaining..Has a really cool looking finisher..
-Andrade has the dumbest outfit..It's like a bootleg Godfather type deal..But he's solid in the ring..He'll be a decent mid-carder on the main roster if he makes it that far..
-Bobby Roooooooooo is ridiculously over..Needs a better finisher than doing Road Dogg's finish minus the simulated butt secks..

Oney Lorcan
Just finished Takeover...

- No Way Jose is impressive. Will be headlining NXT soon.
- Ember Moon's finisher is vicious.
- Tag match was MOTN. That bald dude from The Revival is really good.
- Roode should be on main roster. Needs a new finisher though.
- Cien can really go as well.
- Oscar/Bayley was cool.
- Nakamura/Joe was solid. Hope Joe isn't legit hurt.
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