Wrestling Thread Dec 21-Jan 3 | 12/28 Raw from Brooklyn: Cena v Del Rio, Vince McMahon Returns

I was pulling for Robbie but I give the edge to Condit. Big fan of both dudes, I'm happy with either outcome.

It's the damage vs volume argument. Simple as that, it's always been a huge debate in MMA

You would be the one to reply with some **** like that you depends wearing ************. :lol:

New York, Police Corruption, Early 90s, Drug Deals! Another solid watch if you marks have some time from the podcasts! The rush from being a criminal must be something out of this world, I don't know how these guys never have a set monetary goal to reach and then get out of dodge.
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New York, Police Corruption, Early 90s, Drug Deals! Another solid watch if you marks have some time from the podcasts! The rush from being a criminal must be something out of this world, I don't know how these guys never have a set monetary goal to reach and then get out of dodge.

I was listening to the rogan podcast. I'm interested.
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I'm sure it's been discussed somewhere in here but I'm too lazy to read every page..Can someone hip me to the Fire Tv Stick?
Essentially, it has all of your apps on there. YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Hulu, etc. 

I bought one and I am satisfied.
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The person that owns the site. The K word when discussing Fire Stick is not allowed. I am banned from the other thread because I brought it up
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