Wrestling Thread Dec 21-Jan 3 | 12/28 Raw from Brooklyn: Cena v Del Rio, Vince McMahon Returns

Big Show is funny when he wants to be

Watch "Raw: Big Show's leg is crushed beneath Alberto Del Rio's car" on YouTube
New Japan is just stale man
That's the promotion that Y'ALL like man.
That guy isn't a real fan. I was watching naito and evil vs shibata and goto earlier today. :nerd: :lol:
I'm really excited about Wrestle Kingdom actually :lol:... Will be watching tomorrow morning with a wake and bake :smokin...
Gonna watch on tuesday hopefully. Too busy tomorrow.
WK is tomorrow?..I thought it was next week..
:smh: You need to be more serious when it comes to paying attention to dates...
WK10 starts live in about 6 hours...2am est
Even Rhino knew and he doesn't follow it like that.
Never thought I'd see the day.
He ain't a real fan anymore b.
His track record following it last year was spotty like...i won't go there. :lol:
i got you...
This is the ****. My dude oj put her on all types of blast. :lol:
I was hyped for WK9, but this year I'm just not feeling it, even though every match should be good.

Styles and Nakamura will be awesome.
Okada/Tanahasi will be good but who really wanted to see this again?
I swear they did that same 4 way tag match last year.

Also, how the hell did TNA come up with money to pay Mike Bennett and Maria?
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I'm hyped AF for Rainmaker/Tanahashi tho :lol:... It's the culmination of a 4 year feud... I wouldn't be surprised of they went 60+... I'm just super excited for the entire show...
Whoever loses that AJ/Nak match is jumping to NXT. 

Shibata/Ishii has a chance to steal the show. 
AJ Styles Vs. Nakamura sounds interesting, I'll try to watch that next weekend.  AJ could do pretty decent in the E if he can stay healthy.  He'd probably get 0 pop from the marks though

Are they at the end of their careers in NJPW?
Both of their contracts (along with Jay Lethal's ROH Deal) end this year with NJ. I'd be shocked if Trips didn't back up the Brinks truck to Tokyo to keep the NXT momentum going. 
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Whoever loses that AJ/Nak match is jumping to NXT. 

Shibata/Ishii has a chance to steal the show. 

I see AJ winning and Nakamura becoming ROH champ within the next couple months...

And Shibata/Ishii is going to be 90's neck snapping strong style... Can't wait :lol: :smh:...
Any of you fools been to Europe? Planning a summer trip with my boys covering 5 countries.
My homie just got back from touring with this rap group he works for

I will have to catch WK another day.. Just started playing Fallout4
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