Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

He was talking about both wrestling and ufc in the vid. Nothing wrong. ufc guys still tight they couldn't have full mma convo in the wrestling thread cause they don't post over there.
I never even heard of ufc until ** ****

Im adapting the use of ** **** in here

On some HeWhomMustNotBeNamed steez
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Both them fools in the video are morons..I can't wait to see "He Who Shall Not Be Named" in his first shoot match..
Bomani Jones stays with the Big Gold title on Around the Horn when he wins. :lol: when I was younger I didn't care for Dan LeBatard but he's hilarious at times. They both are capable and articulate dudes when needed but they get to act like idiots on Highly Questionable which is where that clip came from. And the dad provides humor butchering rap songs with his accent. :lol:
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I really like Bomani and LeBatard. HQ is probably my favorite show on ESPN.
Edited my emoticon. Meant to show laughter regarding Bomani and the Big Gold since Case is a big WCW fan and realized the wrong face was used. :lol: I'm a fan of both dudes. Papi is just extra hilarity.
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someone please help a guy that has been out of the sports scene heavily since getting married, whats up with this Highly Questionable show? i've seen a couple of clips online and jones and batard always seem either bored or just complete ******** when trying to "get dirt" from athletes?

whats the appeal?

why would anyone go on this show in the first place?

it seems like trash sports tv. am i missing something?

i watched the one with kevin hart and it made me cringe.
No commentary is a pro not a con + cold beer. it can't be that bad if you really want to go.
DC is a disgruntled party pooper.

it's tons of fun going to a live show. don't recommend arriving early for tapings just like DC said though.

Took my son once. Wifey and I have been to RAW twice. Pregame. Catch the metro. Get more drunk and be a part of the show. 

No commentary is a plus and Verizon center is always live.
DC is a disgruntled party pooper.

it's tons of fun going to a live show. don't recommend arriving early for tapings just like DC said though.

Took my son once. Wifey and I have been to RAW twice. Pregame. Catch the metro. Get more drunk and be a part of the show. 

No commentary is a plus and Verizon center is always live.
+1 on no commentary. 

Saw Smackdown at Verizon Center earlier this year (or was it late last year? It was when punk was in a 6-man tag)

It's really fun, and nothing beats watching it live. It's also a reminder that this is not a taped show with stunt folks and multiple takes, which i think is a good reminder that these guys (and women) are still putting their bodies/lives on the line for entertainment
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