Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Morrison threw it all away for this. :smh:
I think she's hit her midlife crisis.
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I'll always be a fan of her splits on the apron. My face would always be ready for that.
Ibushi is so DAMN smooth in the ring. Love his style. Becoming a fan.

Damn I had no idea liger let himself go like that :lol:

Thanks DC. Going to finish this liger match and catch the kushida match after the game. Post some more gems my brotha :pimp:
this Ibushi/Kushida match was really dope. great transition from the technical wrestling early on, to the high flying spots, to the reversals, to the finish. great storytelling.
yeah and the crowd is really observant as well. aside from that one lady screaming whatever she was constantly screaming, it was like a broadway play for them. clapping and watching in severance and respect. really cool the cultural differences.

Summer looks so good in outfits, if only she wore a Bane/Kane mask

Enjoy playa :pimp: i pretty much just reached in my stash for with my eyes closed and put the tape in the box. I didn't want to catch any feels about giving one of those away, but I could probably look through all those tapes and figure out which one I gave you.
View media item 1315472

I'll always be a fan of her splits on the apron. My face would always be ready for that.

I know this Liger/Ibushi match is OLD, but this is an issue people have with Ibushi. Liger beat the hell out of him, worked his leg the whole match. But somehow, Ibushi has the strength to perform that Asai Moonsault. Now, he didn't go OC with his usual spots, but what I would like to see from him is a varied offense when he is getting the knee worked.

He has been putting on weight, so we might start seeing more power moves from him. I am interested in seeing him on Jan. 4 and what he can do if Nakamura is working over the leg. Will he still pull out all of his trademark spots?

yeah and the crowd is really observant as well. aside from that one lady screaming whatever she was constantly screaming, it was like a broadway play for them. clapping and watching in severance and respect. really cool the cultural differences.
She was on Ibushi's nuts screaming his name
that backflip after not flying to the outside at 3:31 was unnecessary kinda no sold the leg work from early in the match
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