Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

he's an awesome worker and quickly has become one of my favorites but i see the gripes and he needs to address them. he does a good job selling his leg pain after the chairshot, but at the 8:30 mark, it magically heals for that hurricarana and move to the outside. i could rationalize the huricanrana maybe as a desperation/adrenaline move if he struggles to get to his feet afterward, but that move to the outside was a little too unrealistic.

springboard at 9:30 lol senzu bean recovery word to cena

these spots at 10:30 again. this stuff should've been used later in the match with him taking a respite/working over liger on the mat during this stretch to heal up a little
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was a pretty good match, but Ibushi kinda messed with the story Liger was telling by recovering/using flying spots too quickly. if he goes to the mat a little that extra bit of rest could make his recovery/adrenaline/flying spots more realistic. good match though.
re watching zigs match from tlc with my sister. she doesn't ever watch.

"is Dolph short for dolphin?"

re watching zigs match from tlc with my sister. she doesn't ever watch.

"is Dolph short for dolphin?"

if she's over 18, pics?

HHH and Tensai came up with doing more diverse entrances with NXT stars. This is done to bring a big fight feel to matches, similar to what they do in japan.

Finn Balor's entrance received rave reviews backstage and from officials. He is the most talked about talent in the company right now. The excitement sorrounding his character internally is through the roof.
HHH and Tensai came up with doing more diverse entrances with NXT stars. This is done to bring a big fight feel to matches, similar to what they do in japan.

Finn Balor's entrance received rave reviews backstage and from officials. He is the most talked about talent in the company right now. The excitement sorrounding his character internally is through the roof.

Nice :pimp: :pimp: Cool that HHH is letting Jason Albert be involved since he was over there not too long ago and can bring valuable info
was trying to think of wrestlers who were exclusively only heel or face from what i remember of the top of my head...

was always a face to my recollection - Ric Steamboat

was always a heel - Jesse Ventura
So is Trips the one who personally recruited: Balor, Itami, Zayn, Neville, and Owens?

Looks like he has a good eye if so.
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