Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble


:rofl: :rofl: A+ execution.
was trying to think of wrestlers who were exclusively only heel or face from what i remember of the top of my head...

was always a face to my recollection - Ric Steamboat

was always a heel - Jesse Ventura

Hacksaw Jim Duggan - Face
Stan Hansen - Heel
Sting - Face (Not sure about his whole TNA run)
Junkyard Dog - Face
So is Trips the one who personally recruited: Balor, Itami, Zayn, Neville, and Owens?

Looks like he has a good eye if so.
Yeah good eye, but they were all also at the top of the Indies. He really didn't have to do too much homework...
I'd like to see Brock return since his character and ring ability is awesome but I don't need him hogging the title ever again. I thought it was gonna be really awesome when it happened but of course they dropped the ball with this title reign. If he leaves no biggie, but I'd like to see him stay with the company.
Hi guise,

Getting surgery on my back to remove a lipoma. Wish me luck. I'll be joining yall for Raw while on painkillers :pimp:

Good luck, man! I'm sure everything will go as planned. Don't forget to ask your doctor for a z-pack afterwards :lol:.

Case Case , you don't have to watch Raw on painkillers by yourself tomorrow :pimp:.
Hi guise,

Getting surgery on my back to remove a lipoma. Wish me luck. I'll be joining yall for Raw while on painkillers :pimp:

Good luck bruh...

Painkillers don't make Raw any more enjoyable, but they sure as hell add to the fun of this thread.
So is Trips the one who personally recruited: Balor, Itami, Zayn, Neville, and Owens?

Looks like he has a good eye if so.

Triple H, William Regal, Terry Taylor.

Everybody goes for a tryout tho. You just don't get signed. After the tryout bill demot/billy gun and the rest of the training staff give the ok to sign the talent.

Also hearsay from some of the boys in the back that helped them get in contact with the recruits.
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