Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Aight so from what I gather, so far

JRAdagreat72: shipped/ has not received
AquaGrape2345: shipped/ has not received
Casekicks: shipped/ received
22stylez: shipped/ has not received
Johnnyredstorm: shipped/ received
Peepgame: shipped/ received
Beansitime: shipped/ has not received
Meangene45: shipped/ has not received
Brendasdeadbaby: shipped/ received
Jhova: shipped/ received
Celticspride: received

I received mine, will ship out my elf's gift tomorrow.
I got my stuff, the el generico mask, the shirt, the cm punk funco, love it thank you! im waiting on my stuff, i should have jsut had it shipped to my elf... and i should have ordered earlier.. if it doesnt come through, i have a backup plan and my elf gonna end up with double gifts
Just got back home from surgery, everything went cool. Anesthesia got me sick to my stomach.

No idea how you go through it case. For real for r ap. respect my brother.

:pimp: success. Now sit back take a few z paks and prepare for raw later
My elf got his stuff and I got a majority of my stuff from my santa one of the packages he sent got delayed or something

yep. pwt are terrible. also expect 1 more from WWE. it's a kevin owens shirt but apprently they don't ship those till the 26th.
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