Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Why is that funny Ultimo?
Layla probably type the n word to her freinds all the time and her iphone auto corrected it :lol:

Closing the nxt survey tomorrow at 7:30 pm
probably gonna fire up some NJPW World later. Gonna see what I could watch off that spreadsheet. Haven't watched that Generico DVD in a while but I don't feel like turning on my ps4.
probably gonna fire up some NJPW World later. Gonna see what I could watch off that spreadsheet. Haven't watched that Generico DVD in a while but I don't feel like turning on my ps4.

I still need to get on that NJPW World.
so much athleticism in the first few minutes of this match with them avoiding their moves. Good stuff.

Best non-Mexican flyers in the world man
Without a doubt man. Ibushi is awesome in the ring and Ricochet has some amazing hops. Really fun match great counters and reversals.

Ricochet should get signed by the E he'd be a great IC champ.

Watching this ladder match on Lucha Underground now.
Ricochet is crushing it in this ladder match. He's a fun worker to watch man. Sky's the limit. Not sure about his charisma and mic skills but he can work man.
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