Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

^Ditto. Maybe he can just wear faceprint for Raw/SD/maybe house shows and pull out all the stops at PPVs. Plus, doesn't make sense to wear it al the time in 5 minute matches squashing Heath Slater
 Squashing Heath Slater
Heath Slater best jobber in the game doe but
Cesaro catching up
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I bet there's not a single one of them that cares.

Hmm, I think there's a few of them that do.

Imo Brodie Lee and Ziggy can have match of the year if they give them time to work.

If they're given 15-20 mins, which I hope they get, but I doubt it. The jeans/Bray match will be good because it's TLC, but the Seth/Cena match is guaranteed a fluke finish since it's a tables match. Stairs and chairs match will be trash.

I really wanted to go to this show to, but I couldn't make the 4 hour drive with this card.
Hmm, I think there's a few of them that do.
If they're given 15-20 mins, which I hope they get, but I doubt it. The jeans/Bray match will be good because it's TLC, but the Seth/Cena match is guaranteed a fluke finish since it's a tables match. Stairs and chairs match will be trash.

I really wanted to go to this show to, but I couldn't make the 4 hour drive with this card.

Man I'm telling ya, if WWE puts a good card together within a 6 hr. radius we'll have to carpool..But I'll never hold my breath that they actually put a good show, top to bottom, together for us to get a chance to have a Heartland Summit..
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