Wrestling Thread Dec 8-21 | 12/15 RAW - BROCK Returns, Brock v Cena @ Royal Rumble

Wonder how everyone on the TLC card is feeling about not being able to top Takeover?

From the F4W Friday newsletter:
--There is some real motivation on the main roster to not get blown away from yesterday's show, so the feeling is that because of last night, Sunday's TLC show will probably be better than it would have been.

It's gonna be hard to top and if it fails everybody but cena will get blamed for it.
The main roster shouldn't need NXT as motivation man. They should be delivering every night. Just like my friend, Dolph.
He could have dropped him on the floor. I though he broke Zayn in half when that happened.
Seen Machine Gun do that a few times in NJPW. Was so vicious looking the first time I saw it done.

Ordered some lamb souvlaki. Might catch Smackdown rerun or watch hoops. Wish I had some yambs to call and obliterate. Need to build up my roster man.
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did neville face ibushi at all in njpw?

crushed that souvlaki so freaking good man i wish i ordered 2.
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