Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

"The Great White" 
I still 
I swear Nattie's looking at Hornswoggle like "Why the &@^# is he getting all this tv time?"

Was pretty surprised by the reaction Titus O'Neil got from the crowd. They knew his taunt and
Remember when JBL killed Hornswoggle?  I wish that was real.
At least he's not a main character anymore.  I hope this isn't the start of something.  I can't believe he's still employed.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

"The Great White" 
I still 

Same here

And nah, Slater's never been a face. I could never bring myself to cheer the "One Man Rock Band"

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by TennHouse2

Am i the only one who actually kinda likes david otunga?
He has the look, and is fairly decent in promos, he just needs loads of ring work. But you could probably say the same
about quite a few other people.
He's definitely had a bit of a resurrection since they started the lawyer gimmick.  He went from being the favorite on NXT to being completely lost in The Nexus and irrelevant teaming with McGuillicutty (who I don't see anything in).
But like you said, he still has a long way to go in the ring.
"Everybody sooner or later will tap"

I understand that statement if this was ufc.. but this is the wwe..

Can anybody tell me when was the last time John Cena tapout?
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Remember when you used to not see from 300 miles away who'd win Battle Royals???

Anyway, Hunico's new theme
, even just for the 7 seconds it played

I'm so tired of WWE changing guys themes like every other week.  It's so they can keep selling different songs on iTunes, but aside from so many of the songs sounding the same, it makes guys almost unidentifiable because they're always getting new music.  Back in the day, a guy got a theme and kept it forever.
Yeah, Austin or Rock may have had slight changes, but it was always the same base song.
Very good TV match.  I liked the finish.  Bryan had a good showing for himself.
That World's Strongest Slam had to destroy Henry's knees.  Damn, he took the bump right on them.
It was a good match. That slam off the turnbuckle must have hurt Henry. Big men should not be jumping from there

I thought Kane was going to come out at the end.
Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

"Everybody sooner or later will tap"

I understand that statement if this was ufc.. but this is the wwe..

Can anybody tell me when was the last time John Cena tapout?
To my knowledge, John Cena and The Undertaker have never tapped out.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

"Everybody sooner or later will tap"

I understand that statement if this was ufc.. but this is the wwe..

Can anybody tell me when was the last time John Cena tapout?
To my knowledge, John Cena and The Undertaker have never tapped out.

Undertaker tapout to Kurt Angle when he was the American Bad___
hey i just bought the stone cold blu-ray but it won't play in 1080p when all my other blu-rays do. i was wondering if this happened to anyone else who picked it up or is it just me?
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