Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

I can see them throwing Cena into that TLC match with punk, unless they are going to toss into Smackdown.
Does anyone think that Kane will Face Taker at WM28?

I don't know what they are going to do with Cena, but I would be absolutely stunned if he wasn't in a match on the show.
My guess is a Taker vs HHH rematch at Mania.
The Jan 2 , 2012.. promo video I believe it's for the undertaker to return..

However I think.. he's coming back as a heel!!
I think it's The Undertaker as well. In my opinion, it would be almost impossible to get people to boo The Undertaker at this point. He'll come back for this run from Rumble to Mania, and then go away for another year.
Cena going into the turnbuckle

Had to scan back through Raw for the parts I missed, and I have to repeat others and say that Johnny Ace
was the most entertaining part of the show

And that's not Undertaker coming back. It's Sting.
That picture... 


I can't get Cena to come out in his purple shirt at Wrestlemania in the game. It's the only thing left I have to unlock. Any help? Nevermind. Got it.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

When guys do run-ins, PLEASE stop playing their theme music.  A "run-in" is supposed to be a surprise, not a pre-planned event.  Fans will still recognize who the guy is without their crappy, generic music.

really hated this with Wade...so stupid, they've been doing this for a while...so stupid
I'm sick of Ryder already.

WWE sure is good at taking something the fans like and driving it into the ground.

TNA Sends Two Wrestlers to OVW

To work on their skills...

- TNA has sent Anarquia and Rob Terry to Ohio Valley Wrestling for developmental work. The two are scheduled for matches at Tuesday's OVW show in New London, Indiana.

Slow news day
Originally Posted by PLVN

I'm sick of Ryder already.

WWE sure is good at taking something the fans like and driving it into the ground.

I gotta say, it was definitely Ryder overkill last night.
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