Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

I gotta do well on the last one finish the year strong
I see you GHIMS
Originally Posted by toine2983

Question for 916, brasilian or anyone else who's gotten the trophies in Universe mode for your CAW winning X amount of titles.

Does your CAW have to keep all of the titles at once for the trophies to unlock?

For instance I just won the IC belt at the Rumble with my Jericho CAW, does he have to keep that title until he wins two more for the next trophy to pop?

Also, what's the best way to get the Merciless attack trophy?

it doest all have to be at once but it has to be a pre-made match.
that means you cant just edit a match and throw yourself in a title match.

also, once you win a title for raw, go to edit raw's titles and add another one in its place and you'll still be #1 contender.
Originally Posted by gunnascott

Too anyone that's played hero mode do you have to play that Cass dude or can you play as your own CAW?
You can use your own CAW but make a copy because RTWM will mess up the body morph, moveset and some other stuff.
- CM Punk took a shot at athletes who use performance enhancing drugs today on his Twitter:

“If you’re a professional athlete and you use performance enhancing drugs, you’re a %%!!$.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- Vince McMahon has ordered that The Bella Twins be made a priority, as far as having more TV time and being featured more, not necessarily when it comes to winning matches.
Vince feels that The Bellas have strong public relations value since they are twins. He lectured the WWE writing team recently about how they’ve blown so many easy storylines with the twins angle.

So by on TV more that means a random promo with Zack Ryder, AND a 1 minute and 30 second match... Monster push for TV time.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- An interesting story regarding Brodus Clay is that when he finished shooting a movie for WWE Studios earlier this year and asked what WWE creative had planned for him, officials said they had no idea and suggested he come up with an idea for himself. Brodus came up with the idea of being a monster heel that doesn’t sell for the babyfaces, then beats them up and inducts them into his personal “House of Pain
Finally got into Community Creations... #ThankYouBasedGod got Jericho, Doink, Andre, a few arenas.. Then it crashed again...
Thanks fellas

Been knocking out some of Universe trophies.

The winning the tag team titles glitched on me. I won the belts by beating Air Boom with Edge and my Jericho CAW at Wrestlemania but the trophy didn't pop. Hopefully it does when I have to defend them.

Question for those who played up to when they have WWE draft. When are the actual draft picks made? I know the draft is supposed to take place on the Raw after Mania but I saw the matches on the Raw card and it was with wrestlers that were on the same brand. I played and won a match with R-Truth against Rey Mysterio and the trophy popped for winning a match at the draft (even though both of them were on Raw
).  However there was no draft pick made. I haven't finished the Raw show yet, does the draft take place at the end of the show?
For those without online access at the moment is there any way to get the breakdown onto how to create specific wrestlers?
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

- An interesting story regarding Brodus Clay is that when he finished shooting a movie for WWE Studios earlier this year and asked what WWE creative had planned for him, officials said they had no idea and suggested he come up with an idea for himself. Brodus came up with the idea of being a monster heel that doesn’t sell for the babyfaces, then beats them up and inducts them into his personal “House of Pain
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