Wrestling Thread Dec5-12 | 12/12 TNA Turning Point - Roode vs Styles Iron Man Match, Angle vs Storm

Heel Turned Taped Tuesday Edited Off Tonight's Smackdown?
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The A.J. & Kaitlyn vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya match where Kaitlyn turned on A.J. after she lost and joined the Pin Up Strong group was edited off the television show that just aired in Australia.  It's usually an identical show to what airs in the U.S. on Fridays.

There has been talk for awhile of putting Kaitlyn with Beth and Natalya, and at one point I also heard there was talk of turning both AJ and Kaitlyn heel. So I guess we'll see where they go next week. If they go anywhere with it.
King Booker's Royal Coronation by PWF

@ Jerome Lawler. Gosh this was a great gimmick
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by Raffy53

So i cant figure out how to put music on a downloaded superstar from the creations. is it because you can only put it on superstars you make?

If you got a PS3. Put song on a USB drive. Copy file into music. Make a playlist. Copy song into playlist.. When you go into create-an-entrance..  For music click custom soundtrack should take you to the playlist folder. CLick on the song you want and there you go.
Man fo some reason it wont let me do it on a sting i downloaded
Wow, ya'll were right, playing the entrance music before a run-in is

And damn, can they NOT beat potentially good feuds to death, having guys face each other every week??? No
wonder that Cena/Orton staredom at Royal Rumble was met with silence.
You know, would it have been that hard to book Barrett to put Orton through a table or two leading up to tonight so Orton could then select a Tables Match to get his revenge? I mean, I know WWE writers have no idea what they are doing and change their plans every week, but there is no good reason that these two are having a Tables Match other than that every other TLC match has already been taken.
I was about to laugh if Barrett attempted a Wasteland through the table. It's a weak move, and would've been even more weak
through a table, since he wouldn't even be dropping him that far

Very stale boring slow motion match between Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan o Superstars. Drew is best working longer matches with
guys who can actually wrestle and bring something out in him, and Ryan is the complete opposite.

Epico and Evan Bourne had a nice long match though.
The Birth of an Historic Tag Team WWE 12 trophy glitched on me.

I haz a sad.
Amy "Lita" Dumas, 36, was arrested arlier today in Columbia Country, GA (the Augusta area) on charges of Speeding and Driving with a license suspended/revoked.

She was being held on $2,200 bond, which was $1,100 for each charge.

Anyone ever associated with the Hardy's should just stay off the road.
If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's cause my cpu crashed/is crashing and is getting loaded up with malware. Any helpful
info to reverse that would be nice.
^ that sucks peep.

So I was thinking of a NTWT year recap? Re-visit NTWTMania and some of the more memorable feuds and matches?
NTWT recap does sound good.

Watched some SD that I missed. Seems like every week they'll just have Otunga face whoever the strongest face is
. Next
week he'll probably be facing Big Show.

Where was Hunico???? I've actually been looking forward to more of him and LAX3.
^^^The way Booker was looking at him was Cole was holding in his laugh was hilarious

Cole's announcing hit a new level of irritation this week. I don't know what it was, but it was just sickening. He
just never knows how to actually be a heel. He's just overbearing like nobody else.
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