Wrestling Thread Feb 1-7 | 2/4 TNA iMPACT! Pope vs Styles, Nash vs Foley, Angle vs Tomko

News & Notes

Serious rumblings about Undertaker and/or Shawn Michaels retiring after Wrestlemania.

There are a lot of serious rumblings that Shawn Michaels and TheUndertaker are both going to retire, not just take extended months off,after Wrestlemania. Both have been working in a lot of pain for monthsand appear to be hitting the end of their roads. Michaels basicallynees both knees completely restructured and 'Taker is constantly havinghip and back problems.

Rey Mysterio plans on retiring after two to three more years.

ReyMysterio has been talking a lot lately both privately and publicly thathe is nearing the end of his in-ring career. Mysterio hopes to goanother two to three years but everything depends on the reconstructive kneesurgery he is scheduled to undergo after Wrestlemania in April.

Mysterio has been working for months in a considerable amount of painand in need of surgery. The former World Heavyweight Champion wasscheduled to take a break from TV a couple of months ago and undergothe surgery but he was determined to stick it out through Wrestlemania.

WWE in negotiations with Conan O'Brien to guest host RAW.

WWEis in "serious" negotiations with Conan O'Brien to host either the Rawthe day after Wrestlemania, or the week after that - which is plannedto be this year's draft episode. O'Brien is a big WWE fan and isinterested in appearing, but is trying to stay out of the spotlight fora little while due to the messy divorce between him and NBC.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Get it done, Vince...

WWE officials pondering how to proceed with the Legacy breakup.

WWEofficials are going back and forth on how to proceed with the Legacybreakup angle. The plan all along was for Cody Rhodes and Randy Ortonto turn on Ted DiBiase, thus making DiBiase a face - however, there istalk of making Orton the face and Rhodes/DiBiase staying as a heeltandem. It's difficult to say which direction they will go at thispoint, due to the fact that some are saying that Orton as a face is agreat idea, but Rhodes/DiBiase would fall flat in feuds vs. Orton.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Randy Orton as a face would absolutely KILL his character. He's one of those naturally heel guys who should always be that way. Unless they manage to make him a Stone Cold-like face, being a bad #$+ but a good guy (which I doubt the writers can make happen
), then they shouldn't even think about doing it.[/color]

Backstage reaction to latest Randy Orton incident.

There aren't really any repercussions waiting for Randy Orton inrelation to the allegations fired at him by a young fan's parent over the spitting gum incident. Ortonis very "old school" in his wrestling mentality, whereas he actuallykeeps kayfabe in public, and incidents like this are nothing new.Officials privately "love" his actions because of how serious he takeshis character outside of the ring.

More on Orton's 10 year contract extension.

RandyOrton's contract extension was a "no brainer," according to thoseinvolved. It was never an "if" but a "when" it would get done. Some aresurprised by the 10-year length due to the guarantees involved, but itlikely includes a declining yearly guarantee, much like NHL contracts.

Latest on Rob Van Dam.

RobVan Dam is still strongly considering TNA's offer to work for thecompany. He had initially agreed to be on board and was originallybooked for the Hogan debut week, but wanted to take more time toconsider it instead of acting impulsively, since Hogan and company hadonly discussed a contract with RVD for a week. It still seems likelyRVD will end up with TNA due to the schedule TNA runs.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]From the comments he's made recently, I think his preference is to go to WWE but it might not happen. He's not really "in love" with the WWE product but says nothing compares to that atmosphere and how major league it is. His biggest issue with the 'E is their schedule, which is one of the reasons he left in the first place. He doesn't wanna be on the road like that anymore so TNA is probably where he'll end up.[/color]

Why RAW has had many short matches recently.

The reason for a lot of shorter matches on Raw recently is that agood portion of the roster is banged up right now, so officials aretrying to have many of them take it easy to make sure everyone is 100%in time for Wrestlemania.

Details on the dissolving of the ECW brand; Evan Bourne to Smackdown?

Expecta lot of mid-card movement planned for the draft after Wrestlemania.Evan Bourne is the top name being talked about a move to Smackdown tobe in the Intercontinental title scene. There will be a lot moreplanning into the draft with the pending "dissolving" of the tenuredECW workers into other brands, with ECW becoming a developmental show(more than it currently is anyway). One of the names for the new showbeing talked about is WWE "Futures." The show isn't planned to have itsown title belt as of now, but obviously it is still in the earlyplanning stages.

New company policy regarding matches on WWE TV.

Company officials have been starting to crack down on wrestlers lookingat the TitanTron during their own matches lately. It had become a badhabit, looked bad on television and had become a huge annoyance ofVince McMahon and Kevin Dunn.

Backstage opinion of Dule Hill (Psych co-star) and his guest host job.

Dule Hill was a big hit with the locker room at last week's Raw. He wasvery cordial and had everyone he talked to "in stitches" most of thenight. WWE officials were very pleased with how his hosting came off ontelevision. Many of the wrestlers also were happy with how "real" thehosting was, and how (unlike with Jon Heder) Hill's hostingwasn't booked to be campy and basically "make fun" of the wrestlingbusiness.

Awesome Kong will NOT be granted her release from TNA.

Awesome Kong will not be granted her release from TNA, according tosources close to the situation. A lot of people don't blame her forreacting the way she did towards Bubba the Love Sponge for his Haiticomments, but some question going after one of Hogan's closest friendsfor retaliation. Some say that she knows of the strong WWE interest inher (which believe it or not, is true) so she "didn't care" if she wasfired because of it.

Beer Money currently frustrated with TNA.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Beer Money, Inc. —James Storm and Robert Roode — have been expressing their frustrationto people backstage after they received word that TNA creative directorVince Russo said he didn’t see them as top stars. Actually, Russo saidthat they were expendable, but PW Torch notes that hemay have been trying to send the outspoken Storm a message.

Stormwas said to be very upset with Beer Money, Inc.’s limited role on thelive Monday Night iMPACT! on Jan. 4. In one scene, they were shownshaking hands with Ric Flair upon his arrival to the Impact! Zone.Later that night, they were shown selling a beat down from anunidentified assailant.

It should be noted that there is nonoticeable friction between the duo and Russo as observers say they getalong fine backstage.

Ring of Honor sues Ric Flair.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Wrestling promotionRing of Honor has filed a lawsuit against Ric Flair, alleging thatFlair owes the company over $40,000. The suit was filed this pastThursday in Bucks County, PA.

ROH says that Ric Flair was signedto make five appearances for the company, at $10,000 per appearance.Flair did not make the appearance in Montreal in July of 2009, andfailed to repay the $10,000 that was paid to him for the event. Also,the suit alleges that Flair came to terms with the company to appear inan authority figure role on the ROH TV show. Flair was paid $35,000 forthe TV appearances and only made one appearance. The second taping iswhen Flair showed up, and made a brief announcement to the crowd thathe was resigning due to his relationship with WWE.

The beliefwas that Flair was going to use his relationship with ROH so that hisson Reid could work there and continue his pro wrestling education.Those plans never happened, due to Reid being arrested on several drugcharges last year. At this time, ROH has made no official comment onthe deal.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Dirtiest player in the game.

Details on Ken Anderson's deal with TNA.

Ken Anderson is under a one-year deal with TNA. Part of his deal is tonot work house shows for the company, which isn't as big of a deal asit seems because Hogan and Bischoff want to rid of the touring houseshows since they barely break even as a company on the U.S. tours.

Some pushing for Scott Hall to get a backstage job in TNA.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]More than one sourcewithin TNA is claiming that the roster enjoys having Scott Hall around,despite the problems he’s caused for company management. Hall has areputation for being very generous with his knowledge when talking withyounger wrestlers, and there has been serious talk of testing thewaters with Hall as an agent. One main event-level TNA star has beenvery vocal about Hall being qualified for the job, citing his creativeinput during his WWF and WCW days.

For those unaware, the roadagent’s job is to work with the roster in setting up matches andstorylines, and relaying instructions to them from the creative team.Road agents in WWE and TNA are usually retired wrestlers, such as ArnAnderson, Terry Taylor, Ricky Steamboat and Jerry Brisco.

Withreports coming out after TNA’s Genesis PPV that Hall and Sean Waltmanare both relying heavily on pain pills, the duo’s future as on-screentalent in TNA is still up in the air.

JR's thoughts on the Royal Rumble PPV.

Jim Ross has a new blog entry available on his official website. Below are the highlights:

- Christian had a better bout with inexperienced but impressive EzekielJackson than likely what many thought going into Sunday night. The ECWChampion is underrated in my opinion.

- Miz vs MVP was a surprise addition to the show and I would have likedto have seen more of them. Looks like we will perhaps in the future.Miz has a million dollar mouth.

- The Atlanta crowd seemed to favor Randy Orton in RKO's failed attemptto regain the WWE Title. Sheamus seems to be one of the handful ofstars w/o a tattoo as my wife noted.

- I enjoyed the WWE Title bout because it was a fresh match.Orton/Legacy issues will be fun to follow. I thought I had it figuredout but now I'm not so sure.

- Undertaker vs Mysterio was solid and had some unique innovation. Bothguys are so valuable and talented. I wonder if the Deadman broke hisnose?

- CM Punk had a memorable Rumble match. Great mic work. Punk's hairychest, as I pointed out during the show on Twitter, makes him look evenmore like a villain. Punk had a stellar night.

- Good interchange w/ HHH and HBK. I thought one of those two would win the Rumble match and I was wrong.

- Without question, the Rumble match was the overwhelming attraction of the evening.

- R Truth shocked me eliminating both Big Show AND Mark Henry simultaneously.

- Edge was the obvious major surprise of the night. I admire how hardEdge has obviously worked to be able to return to the ring ahead ofschedule.

- Edge was the star of the night and him winning the Royal Rumbledisrupts the Road to Wrestlemania and makes February's EliminationChamber PPV more intriguing. That PPV is only 3 weeks way. I like theepisodic way that several issues are progressing.

- Any three man announce booth is challenging especially when the 3 announcers don't work together that often.

Click here to read JR's latest in its entirety.

MVP interview; speaks on Miz having to earn his respect, thoughts on Bret Hart, and more.

ESPNhas an interview online with MVP in their Video Games section that wasdone to promote last night's Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Below are thehighlights:

Thoughts on The Miz: Any time you have two talents on thescreen, the whole point is to create compelling television. You want tocreate something that the fans are going to tune in to watch. I'veknown Miz for a long time. We were both at the now-defunct Deep Southdevelopmental territory, and dude works hard. He works really, reallyhard at his craft. I remember him vaguely as that kid from "The RealWorld," and I had no respect for him, but he earned my respect byworking hard and practicing and improving his craft. Now we're both ata level where we both want to be in that top tier; he's bringing hisA-game, I'm bringing my A-game and neither one of us is going to backoff. It's just a matter of you have to step your game up, and when wedo that, the fans win. It's a win-win for everybody because we step ourgames up, the fans get to be entertained and the higher-ups get towatch us evolve and grow. Hopefully we're the main-eventers that you'regoing to watch tomorrow.

If his program with The Miz will go until Wrestlemania: It'sinteresting, because with stuff like that, you never know. I don'tknow, but I'd love to see Miz at Wrestlemania for the United Stateschampionship. That would be huge. I just don't know if he'll be able toavoid me that long.

Thoughts on Bret Hart returning: I had met Bret Hart for thefirst time, and Bret Hart is just one of those guys who I respectedimmensely. It's not often when I have a moment where I'm star-struck,if you will. But having the opportunity to talk to Bret Hart and shakehands with somebody who I think so highly of, and then see him insidethe ring with Shawn Michaels, it was a historic moment. And to be thereand to watch it take place was a privilege because it was definitely amoment in time that will be remembered in our industry.

Click here to read the full interview.

Matt Morgan interview; speaks on almost crying on camera, his loyalty to Dixie Carter, Hulk Hogan, and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]TNA wrestler Matt Morgan covered a number of TNA subjects in an interview with Jim Varsallone of http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/other/v-fullstory/story/1437111.html]the Miami Herald[/url] following this week's marathon PPV/TV tapings in Orlando, Fla. The following are key highlights.

--Morgan said he nearly broke down crying on-camera following his TNA tagtitle victory with Hernandez at the Genesis PPV because his father wasrecently diagnosed with brain cancer. Morgan said his father "waitedeight long years to see me win a title" and he's not in good shaperight now.

Morgan said he was in a fragile state of mind goinginto the PPV. "I'm still a team player, and I'm thinking I don't wantto ruin the pay-per-view by breaking down. They said, 'You're not goingto ruin it. That's who you are. That's emotion we can't write for you,Matt. So if you do it, you do it. If you don't, you don't.'"

--Morgan said some wrestlers have advised him to jump to WWE while he'shot as a big man in the wrestling business who recently main-eventedTNA PPVs. Morgan said he won't because he's loyal to TNA and presidentDixie Carter.

"People that think they know what's best for mycareer, like I don't, apparently, will beg and plead with me to go backto WWE. They think I'm crazy for not doing it and why wouldn't I do itespecially right now while I'm hot," Morgan said. "Well, it's becauseof things like that, what Dixie Carter did for me. Physically, I wouldrun through that wall for her, if she told me to. I really would. Youcan't put a price tag on that. You can not. I'm so emotionallyinvested. She's a good person."

-- Morgan said he was initiallyconcerned about being teamed with Hernandez on TV after his singlespush, but he believes TNA is building toward a "money match" down theroad when they inevitably split apart.

"When I was told I wasteaming with Herandez, I said, 'Okay, where are we going with this?'"Morgan said. "We have a lot of similarities. We are both big strongguys who are athletic. We do a lot of finesse moves, plus power moves.... One day that's a money match. That's a Bound for Glory, Super Bowltype match. We're both competitors. The athlete in me looks forward toit, and same with him, and that's why I like him. That's why we'refriends, but right now, we are the tag team champs, and that's arefocus."

-- Morgan stated his opinion that Hulk Hogan was "one ofthe most over big man babyfaces" of all-time in wrestling and he wantsto learn from Hogan in order to one day handle the pressure of being aheadline star carrying a company.

"If you don't want to pickHulk Hogan's brain, you really need to have your head examined and quitthe business now because you just don't want to be a headline star,"Morgan said. "You just don't. You don't want the pressure of thecompany on your shoulders. Otherwise you'd be picking his brain becauseno one's ever had a company on his shoulders more than him."

More details on the Helms/Jericho taxi cab incident.

Detailsare still all over the place about the arrests of Chris Jericho andHurricane Helms from early Wednesday morning. Things apparently gotphysical over a woman but Matt Hardy has denied he was in the taxi cabdespite the story from TMZ. Reportedly the woman involved was a fan whomet up with the two at a bar after the Smackdown tapings, and aftermany drinks later, they became "annoyed" with her, leading to worksbetween everyone, including Jericho and Helms. Most are writing it offas merely a drunken incident, but officials aren't pleased with thearrest and the attention from it.

Drugs found on Hurricane Helms during arrest.

TMZ is http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/02/muscle-relaxer-greg-helms-hurricane-chris-jericho-wwe-arrested-mug-shot]reporting[/url]that police found one muscle relaxer on Greg "Hurricane" Helms. Thepill was a Soma which was the same type of muscle relaxer Dr. PhilAstin was prescribing to Chris Benoit and Michael Durham. Helms said hehad a prescription but could not provide proof at the time. Noadditional charges were filed.

Taxi cab incident may have cost Helms his job.

I'mtold Greg "Hurricane" Helms is likely on his way out of WWE. ApparentlyHelms was on the fence of being kept or not for months and the taxi cabincident could have decided his fate. Sources have told me that WWEofficials are close to deciding his future with the company and hisremoval from the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match is very telling.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hello TNA...[/color]

Diamond Dallas Page to TNA?

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Add Diamond Dallas Page to the list of wrestling legends that could appear in TNA Wrestling in the coming months.

DDP,who worked for TNA back in 2005, tells Jason Clevett of Slam Wrestlingthat he’s spoken to Eric Bischoff about coming in for a few appearances:

“EventuallyI am sure at some point in time when they need a guest referee I mayconsider it. I want to do the Piper thing, he shows up for two monthsand then is gone for nine. That is the only kind of thing I want to do,and I am in the shape to still do it. I probably have ten really goodmatches left in me, and I am not gonna throw them away or just put themout there. If they are willing to pay me to come back, and it behoovesme, maybe.
I hope Batista rips every muscle in his body apart, dude is worthless now matter what role he is playing

I love the Taker but he needs to hang it up and stop before he can barely move in life, I can't see HBK retiring just yet...if he does I'm shed tears
Thanks for the News and Notes. Good to know that the elimination chamber ppv falls on my b-day
I see it being a tag team match with Vince/Batista VS Cena/Bret Hart....

This was the best idea to get the most possible heat on batista get him the big heel reaction he needs to attack Bret
Just a quick note, I recorded Raw due to Bret, and once again, I come away a bit depressed when I see what happened. I don't know, I guess I still wish he never came back, that he (and Sting I guess) are the two that never go to Vince and Raw again. I think it would be an even worse idea to have him and HBK together at WM. I simply don't believe Bret is now "ok" with it, he could make amends with Vince but I never see it honestly happening with Shawn, and to have them wrestle together just makes the fans feel stupid.

Quick sidenote, I know the MIZ from Miami, he worked with my buddy at Attractions bar, so strange to now see him wrestling.
Thanks for the news and notes, DSK. I would love to see Conan host Raw, despite hating the guest host concept.

This is definitely not going to happen now, but what if the match at Wrestlemania turned out to be Vince/Shawn vs. Bret/Undertaker? This would have required a little creative booking to get done, but in my head, I can see this scenario working out great because all four guys have history together in the Montreal Screwjob and its aftermath backstage. Too bad WWE is incapable of doing something like this and threw in Botchtista in the mix, solidifying that this storyline will be a failure.
Yo TNA needs to just let go of Beer Money so WWE can pick them up. They were always
as a tag team.


Tonight Mr. McMahon himself will appear in the Land of the Extreme to address the WWE Universe on the future of ECW! Don't miss this important announcement, tonight at 10/9 CT on Syfy!
First, thanks for all the concern.  It's appreciated.  I'm still feeling like crap, but my friends have been great helping me through it.

I'm watching Raw now and will post as I go.

~Good to see Edge back.  I hope they don't turn him face.  He's 100x better as a heel.
~Edge can't even look at Sheamus with a straight face.  They want him to be a heel, but he comes across as a cartoon character.  The accent is SO over the top.
~I'd love to see Edge headline WM, but I don't think it happens.
~Cody's swaggggggg

~Does Cena really need to be in The Elimination Chamber, especially if he's not going to win it?  Give Cody a damn shot in the main event.
~I don't know who Swagger's facing, but he has no shot.
~lol yeah, he's facing HHH.
~Match went longer than I figured, but there was never any doubt that HHH was going to win.
~Cena? Check.  HHH? Check.  Let me guess, Randy Orton is next.

Good stuff 4w. Hold ya head and don't look back...

~Cody's swaggggggg

Unless you're something like Cody and you're looking ahead even when you're looking back


its a new day
I think Vince is gonna come out right after the main event, ends ECW and makes Christian give up his belt.

EDIT: Never mind.
Originally Posted by MBlackmon

Unless you're something like Cody and you're looking ahead even when you're looking back


Hopefully what DSK posted about Legacy and Orton is true. Orton would be
x10 if they put him in a role like Stone Cold. I'm probably the only one here who wouldn't want Ted and Cody to break up. Im too much a fan of stables word to New Age Outlaws and Rated RKO (if they counted as one)
~What the f is this garbage with Shatner?
~Good match between Orton and Michaels.  I knew Orton would win, but I really like how they're building that Shawn can't get his shot against The Undertaker.  It definitely has me interested.
~Glad to see Dibiase in the Chamber.  Definitely puts more stress on the Legacy relationship with Cody not making it.

~You Two vs You Two vs DX .... Shatner doesn't even know their names
~YOU F'D UP, YOU F'D UP (Kofi)
~Show actually connected on that ref, damn
~Bret looking much better without the jorts.  He still looks like an old, worn down man though.  I really hope he doesn't wrestle.
~Bret with the non-pg language

~Vince is a fool with his walk

~"Stringy, crappy hair"

~I hope Bret's getting paid a hell of a lot of money to get embarrassed like this.
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