Wrestling Thread Feb 1-7 | 2/4 TNA iMPACT! Pope vs Styles, Nash vs Foley, Angle vs Tomko

I kinda see the HBK and Bret thing, with everyone thinking hes gonna screw Bret and he doesnt
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Batista is such a lame.

He's probably the only wrestler that absolutely loathe whether he's a heel or a face
Meh, I was hoping for a sharpshooter but it doesn't take a dummy to know why that had that ending. This whole Bret/Vince angle is concluding at Wrestlemania...they're not gonna give us what we want now.

 at Batista getting involved though. I guess they figured Bret and Vince can't carry a match so they're fusing this with the Cena/Batista thing...I hope they don't go there.

And Cole can eat a #!@#, forreal. JR would have been going crazy at the end but this dude Cole talking all soft and @#%*. Bum %%%.
I'm glad they're probably saving the Sharpshooter for Wrestlemania.

Enjoy seeing it being done correctly next month, because once Rock comes back at Summerslam, expect his rendition
Catchin up on Raw... so far I've got

Edge with the face turn
  Dude is money as a heel... I don't want the E to blow this like they've blown a ton of face turns.
Cody Rhodes
  It's just too bad that nobody thought dude would win.
Jack Swagger must've touched Steph's booty or something.  Dude is in the toilet.
This dude Orton tryna take longer than Undertaker to get to the ring
Hold up..........wasn't Maryse and Gail Kim supposed to wrestle tonight?

They probably scrapped it for the last segment since it went long.
what the hell did I just watch?!


Bret Hart crying @ the end?!!?! Smh

@ Vince's entrance and going in on Bret.
Until I see Rock in a wrestling ring, I'm not getting my hopes up too much. I don't think he's bluffing this time around but who knows when he'll actually come back.

Dude loves doing that teasing %$$$...word to his speech at the Hall of Fame and his "guest host spot in January".
Nah, he doesn't really have many movies scheduled around Summer so it's def alot more possible.
I really hope the society gets the straps next week. I am also very interested in where this HBK storyline is headed too. Not to mention where Triple H will be in all of this. Can't wait to check out Smackdown spoilers to see if anything else develops.
Spoiler [+]
The WWE Unified Tag Team Titles will be on the line at next week's RAW as DX will defend in a Triple Threat against the teams of CM Punk & Luke Gallows and Big Show & The Miz.

2010 Royal Rumble winner Edge will host "The Cutting Edge" show on Friday's SmackDown with special guest The Undertaker.
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Shawn And Bret vs Vince and Batista at wm

I have a feeling.
It could happen, makes sense since Batista was the one who caused him the win to wrestle Taker.
It was my thought too but Shawn will get his match with Undertaker sooner or later so I can see Cena instead
My match predictions for Wrestlemania

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker
Money in the Bank Match (winner could be Kofi)
Bret Hart vs Vince Mcmahon (street fight)
John Cena vs Batista (Raw vs Smackdown)
Ted Dibiasi vs Randy Orton
Mickie James vs Beth Phoniex
Sheamus vs Edge vs Triple H
Christian vs ?
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