Wrestling Thread Feb 1-7 | 2/4 TNA iMPACT! Pope vs Styles, Nash vs Foley, Angle vs Tomko

Ooo maryse
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by therenegade23

For some reason, I think it's gonna be Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart at WM26

Is he really coming back to wrestle? I doubt that though, all the hype about him and taker will probably take place.
Hell no Bret can't take a bump anymore cause of his concussions and stroke.
Originally Posted by toine2983

Dibiase is probably gonna pin Orton or cause him to lose at Elimination Chamber, setting up their Mania match.

R.I.P. Jack Brisco

Him and Pat Patterson use to be comedy in the Corporation days.
Nah, his younger brother is who you're thinking of. Him and Patterson were hilarious as Vince's goons.

And I think that scenario plays out in the Chamber too.

Punk on RAW.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by toine2983

Dibiase is probably gonna pin Orton or cause him to lose at Elimination Chamber, setting up their Mania match.

R.I.P. Jack Brisco

Him and Pat Patterson use to be comedy in the Corporation days.
Nah, his younger brother is who you're thinking of. Him and Patterson were hilarious as Vince's goons.

And I think that scenario plays out in the Chamber too.

Punk on RAW.

My bad mixing up the Brisco brothers.

Anyone else feeling Serena?

I wonder if Punk hit that yet?
Originally Posted by ao17

Who's the bald chick?
New chick who is part of Punk's Straight Edge stable. She had her head shaved bald on Smackdown as an "audience member" in order to be "saved" by Punk.
They should somehow get bret involved in an angle with shawn and taker. Like a threeway. And then have him do a "fingerpoke of doom" to taker. Then he can say he screwed Michaels.
no one else noticed bigshow in a ralph lauren polo?

i thought they only suppose to wear wwe gear
Never understood why show hasn't got a title match. It's been YEARS since he had one. Kofi is just getting lucky, but we know he has no real chance of winning that chamber match. Nice brisco tribute.
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