Wrestling Thread Feb 1-7 | 2/4 TNA iMPACT! Pope vs Styles, Nash vs Foley, Angle vs Tomko


I'm not going to lie, I  chuckled at that Shatner segment.
Originally Posted by solematic j21

Originally Posted by AlanDutch

yo its been over for that Hardcore title a couple of years now lol
im pretty sure RVD had it last and unified it with the Intercontinental title...how did they do that? I have no idea

It was pretty funny though, if im not mistaken i think crash was in chucky cheese and so many dudes came and jumped him, he would even lose it in 5 minutes and win it back in 1. He even got followed in the airport.
24/7 title match anytime anywhere
What WWE is doing with Michaels right now intrigues me.
Ted should win this

I doubt WWE feels like doubling the size or building one out of rubber on the outside just for Mark Henry.
Originally Posted by therenegade23

For some reason, I think it's gonna be Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart at WM26

Is he really coming back to wrestle? I doubt that though, all the hype about him and taker will probably take place.
Dibiase is probably gonna pin Orton or cause him to lose at Elimination Chamber, setting up their Mania match.

R.I.P. Jack Brisco

Him and Pat Patterson use to be comedy in the Corporation days.
I find it HIGHLY unlikely Bret could wrestle on a level with HBK in 2 months

I think WWE needs to just have Bret vs. Vince and leave HBK and the screw job out of it...let Bret bet the hell outta Vince and leave it at
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