why is there so much leather showing in the back of the center WWE logo?..my only complaint with the belt
Wish you couldn't see so much leather behind the WWE logo but it's better than the spinner belt
This annoys me too. Maybe I wouldn't have a problem with the W being so gigantic if it wasn't surrounded by all that leather.
Looks like you guys were right it seems as far as the sideplates, from the WWE shop, this is what the replica looks like

Costs 449.99
...I like how this replica looks much more than the one we saw on RAW. It's not because of the side plates either (every guy having their own logo would've been dope though!). I think it's because it looks like there isn't as much leather showing since the WWE logo in the middle is "beefier". Maybe it's the angle the pic was taken...I'm not sure.

Also wish we had the good ol' classic eagle/world symbol somewhere in there. Either in the middle and the WWE logo as plates on the side OR the eagle/world as the side plates and the big *** W stays.

I'm already warming up to the new design.
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Non-Raw report from Lafayette

By Joel O'Brien

Just got back from tonight's RAW show in Lafayette, Louisiana and thought id drop you a live report.

The crowd was a pro-family crowd tonight. Lots of kids and a ton of "old" fans who loved wrestling back in the 90s and are here for their children. The crowd was also slow to warm up to the nights festivities which made the Sat Morning Slam matches hard to transcribe well on TV. However, by the end of the night, Lafayette LOVED WWE programing and were into almost everything in the last hour and a half.

Sat Morning Slam Results:

Natalya def AJ w/ Ziggler on commentary: both girls worked hard, especially Natalya but this was a BAD match to get the crowd ready for the night. No reaction what so ever. Without any interference by Dolph, Natalya reversed a AJ pin attempt to win.

Daniel Bryan def Barret w/ Kane on commentary: Completely on the other side of the spectrum, these two put on one of the best matches that will air on Sat Morning Slam. Great back and forth action for 6 minutes that had the fans standing at the end of it. Barret succumed to the No Lock, Bryan celebrated by climbing the announce table and comedically getting into Kane's face. Good action and worth catching this Sat morning.

Random observations:

- Opening segment ZAPPED the energy from the crowd. The minute they heard they wernt getting Punk vs Cena, most fans sat there emotionless for a good hour. The only things that got any reaction at all was (shockingly) Miz getting the tap out victory with the Figure 4 and the Finish to the Ziggler/Del Rio match (which was a carbon copy of the Main Event Match these two had last Weds). This was a shame because there was some good to great wrestling on this show.

- The worst segment to suffer under this crowd was the Jack Swagger video package and in-ring segment. The fans were indifferent about Zeb Coulter and could care less about what he was talking about. It also didnt help that his promo seem to go for close to 3hrs! I don't have high hopes for this angle connecting with todays teenage fanbase.

- The Shield's victory over Jericho/Sheamus/Ryback was the turning point. Fans LOVED Y2J and loved chanting "Feed Me More" even more! Each time the babyfaces made their hot tags, the building came unglued. Great action capped off with an angle people care about.

- Rock was the most over person in the building by far and his segment was eaten up live. While the unvealing of the new WWE Championship belt got a mixed reaction, Rock had no problem getting the fans back into the show. The man has an uncanny ability to make the audience do what he wants them to.

After RAW went off the Air:

- Cody Rhodes came out and tried to get a look at the new championship belt, but got shut down by Rock. Rock proceded to ask a bunch of fans, Servicemen, Michael Cole AND a kid with a fake moustache if he should Rock Bottom Rhodes. Everyone answered 'Yes'. He teased it forever, but sent the crowd home happy with a Rock Bottom and The People's Elbow. A nice end to a fun night of WWE programing.
I immediately assumed it was temporary because of the bulls on it, but that can be replaced with the wwe logo or superstar logo. spinner>new belt imo
I like the new belt.
Still not a fan of too many stones in a belt, more partial to a big gold plate like the wCw/heavyweight title.
As awesome & regal as the winged eagle was, it's too small, now if they beefed it up, then we're talking.
AE belt was cool, too, though I'd prefer less paint.
I like the new belt.
Still not a fan of too many stones in a belt, more partial to a big gold plate like the wCw/heavyweight title.
As awesome & regal as the winged eagle was, it's too small, now if they beefed it up, then we're talking.
AE belt was cool, too, though I'd prefer less paint.

Cousin, you're alive!!!!!! :pimp: :wow:
I like the new belt.
Still not a fan of too many stones in a belt, more partial to a big gold plate like the wCw/heavyweight title.
As awesome & regal as the winged eagle was, it's too small, now if they beefed it up, then we're talking.
AE belt was cool, too, though I'd prefer less paint.

This. One of the reason why I actually don't mind TNA's current heavyweight champion ship belt.
new belt really is whatever.. i'm just SO glad that the spinner is gone. i was so tired of that garbage being hauled to the ring week in and week out that it didn't matter to me what the new thing looked like as long as they changed it..

new belt +1
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