I don't think it has anything to do with demonizing the Tea Party.  It's no coincidence that Swagger and Zeb were brought in after Del Rio wasn't exactly taking off as an over babyface.  They are there to get fans to cheer Del Rio.  I don't think there's really anything more to it than that.


“WWE is creating drama centered on a topical subject that has varying points of view to develop a rivalry between two characters. This storyline in no way represents WWE’s political point of view."

However, many will still reach. Always the same people reaching, too.

Ok. With as much **** as Republicans and the Tea Party catches from the MSM, its not farfetched in tje least bit. And if you're going to try to send a shot, the least you can do is say my name. That YouTube video on Immigration has no WWE branding on it. If I come across that and I was unknown to the product that is exactly what I would think when I see that.
How come the blue strap AE belt didn't last long? 8o
For some reason, I was never a fan of the winged eagle belt. :\[/quote]

They debuted the Smoking Skull belt, but Vince didnt like it so they used it soley as Austins belt, but Rock & Foley also held it. Then when Rock won the title, they reconstructed a new belt with the new non block WWF logo.[/quote]
The smoking skull belt occurred during Austin's 2nd title run though.The strap was change to black sometime
during Austin's 1st title run.[/quote]

Austin held the Winged Eagle first, then debuted the blue strap AE Championship, then later in '98 went to the Smoking Skull. When Rock tossed the Smoking Skulk title in the river, the black strap AE WWE Title debuted.

EDIT: I see what you're saying. But I did hear in a interview Vince wanted a new belt so I guess the strap color changed sufficed his uncertain mind.
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Care to explain?

1. He hasn't won a PPV match in 5 months
2. He hasn't beaten anyone of main event caliber ever
3. he's in a feud w/ the shield he can't win
4. He won't get any where near the WWE title any time soon
5. He won't see the WHC before summerslam
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Ok. With as much **** as Republicans and the Tea Party catches from the MSM, its not farfetched in tje least bit. And if you're going to try to send a shot, the least you can do is say my name. That YouTube video on Immigration has no WWE branding on it. If I come across that and I was unknown to the product that is exactly what I would think when I see that.

I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the Alex Jones types who are getting worked hard. (As are you apparently) 4W made a good point. Point being that it's understandable how those uneducated to the world of wrestling are getting worked. Worked being the key word.

Someone educated to the world or wrestling knows better, though. To insinuate that this angle is being run for other purposes (Such as demonizing the teaparty) is foolish. This angle isn't streaming from Vince being mad that the Tea Party was trying to kill Linda's campaign since they were declaring her a RINO and a traitor. This angle is being done with the intention of getting Del Rio over as a babyface.

Stay mad though, mark.
So with the brahma bull logo on the new belt, does that mean that the every champ is going to have their logo in it's place every time it changes hands?
View media item 277322

change your avy asshat and stop asking questions if you don't intend to read the thread.

I go the avy first so you change yours.

And I read the article that was posted about the belt creation but I apologize if I don't go through the whole 20+ pages of Raws recap just to find the answer. A simple yes or no would have sufficed.
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They should go back to the block logo, which would have looked way better on the new, angular, belt.

I mean since the Attitude Era is over, why are they still using the AE, scratch logo?
1. He hasn't won a PPV match in 5 months
2. He hasn't beaten anyone of main event caliber ever
3. he's in a feud w/ the shield he can't win
4. He won't get any where near the WWE title any time soon
5. He won't see the WHC before summerslam
I agree with you 100% but heres what vinnie mac looks at.

1) He has sold alot of shirts & that f'n matters.

2) Kids love him.

3) He has a nice pop when he comes out

4) People chant "feed me more"

5) Dude is legit over

6) The internet wrestling community is roughly only 10% of the viewership. Our opinion on what you mentioned above doesnt matter. Its irrelevant.
Paul Heyman is a creative genius but he has done alot of dirtbag things. Especially on the money side of things. He owed Van Dam over $100,000. Sabu around the same amount. 

I remember a few years ago the bankruptcy paperwork leaked online & it showed how much money he owed everyone, ECW was paying TNN to be on the network amongst other stupid debts. 

He was personally banking alot of the revenue over the last couple of years of ECW also. Rumor has it. 
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I actually watched most of the Ambrose video and it was recorded 2 yrs ago...hewas pretty sharp lots of stories - said "like" about 1000 times.

He was asked where he saw himself in 2-3 yrs and didnthave an answer well hes now apart of the best thing going in wwe!!!
So with the brahma bull logo on the new belt, does that mean that the every champ is going to have their logo in it's place every time it changes hands?
that's what I'm guessing.   It's gonna sell more belts on WWE.com too every time the belt changes people are gonna want the one with the new logos.
Smackdown Spoilers for 2/22/13

* The show opens with highlights from Elimination Chamber and RAW.

* Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio come to the ring. Del Rio talks about Jack Swagger’s new attitude. Del Rio says this country was built by immigrants. Del Rio calls Swagger out but Randy Orton appears instead.

Orton enters the ring and says his opportunity was taken by Swagger. Orton wants a match with Swagger tonight. Booker T comes out and announces Wade Barrett vs. Del Rio and Swagger vs. Orton for tonight.

* Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus is up next. Sheamus gets the win after a lengthy match, using the Brogue Kick.

* Aksana and Tamina vs. Kaitlyn and Layla is next. Kaitlyn spears Tamina for the win.

* Backstage segment with Zeb Colter, Jack Swagger and Wade Barrett. Zeb says Barrett is part of the problem. Zeb hopes Del Rio and Barrett kill each other.

* Jack Swagger vs. Randy Orton is up next. Swagger wins a good physical match with his feet on the ropes.

* Promo for Dead Man Down. Backstage segment with Sheamus and Wade Barrett. Sheamus picks on Barrett’s acting and Barrett picks on Sheamus for losing to The Shield.

* The Miz vs. Cody Rhodes is up next. Miz wins with a Figure Four.

* Another immigration promo from Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter.

* A vignette for Fandango airs.

* Alberto Del Rio vs. Wade Barrett is up next. Swagger and Zeb come out and watch the match from the stage. Barrett dominates most of the match but Del Rio gets the win by submission. Swagger and Zeb approach the ring. Swagger and Del Rio have a staredown to end SmackDown.
[COLOR=#red]much better.[/COLOR]

That interaction between Zeb and Barrett has lulz written all over it.

I was just thinking how awkward would it be for WWE to be somewhere in the south, and Zeb ends up getting cheered during one of his promos that's supposed to be mad controversial :lol:
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