Wrestling Thread Feb 20-26 | 2/24 Beware, There is a Criminal (Lobo) Lurking in this Thread

That is a shame that that's the general locker room sentiment about the Rock right now. Why is it his job to put people over? He willingly put more people over in 7
years than a lot of other veterans. And he put over ANYone who needed it. Taker can't say that (mostly do to his gimmick), Austin admitted himself that he would
never face anyone "beneath" him (in reference to Benoit, Angle, and Eddie at the time), and neither Cena nor HHH can say that.

"Name one person he made a star since then". LOL. I hope it comes who actually said that.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

That is a shame that that's the general locker room sentiment about the Rock right now. Why is it his job to put people over? He willingly put more people over in 7
years than a lot of other veterans. And he put over ANYone who needed it. Taker can't say that (mostly do to his gimmick), Austin admitted himself that he would
never face anyone "beneath" him (in reference to Benoit, Angle, and Eddie at the time), and neither Cena nor HHH can say that.

"Name one person he made a star since then". LOL. I hope it comes who actually said that.
When he was Hollywood Rock he put Hurricane over HUGE! haha also, he was willing to take the clean loss to Goldberg.  And before that, He put Brock over cleanly as well!
The Rock's the man.
All I'm going to say is The Rock will put over Cena. Cena draws for the current undercard. I mean, what is there to get?
Exactly. There is no way Cena is not going over Rock, regardless if it's in Miami, and regardless if the crowd is firmly behind Rock.
Unless Vince wants another "surprising swerve", Cena should be winning.

And yea, Rock put over Hurricane huge, but the WWE/writers themselves never capitalized on it.
^The point wasn't to make Hurricane someone. The writers needed to put Rock against someone who wouldn't be booed by a bizaro Canadian audience. Plus, they wanted to make Rocky look vulnerable for his opponent at the PPV that Sunday. (Might have been Goldberg?)

For what it's worth.. after that Hurricane made more money than ever in his career through merch sales. So, regardless of his not getting a big push, he still came out on top. You're right, though. The WWE could have done something, but eh. Look at how they've used Santino since Sunday. They're not priority guys. 
Bruh, I will MARK.

Last night on Raw, Eve Torres turned heel, noting that she used Zack Ryder to get to John Cena. The plan, as of now, is to pair Eve with a heel superstar to feud with Ryder once he returns. Ryder would also be paired with a diva to counter Eve. The name going around for that position is Layla.

Credit: WrestlingObserver.com
Originally Posted by jQQQQQ

Originally Posted by Peep Game

That is a shame that that's the general locker room sentiment about the Rock right now. Why is it his job to put people over? He willingly put more people over in 7
years than a lot of other veterans. And he put over ANYone who needed it. Taker can't say that (mostly do to his gimmick), Austin admitted himself that he would
never face anyone "beneath" him (in reference to Benoit, Angle, and Eddie at the time), and neither Cena nor HHH can say that.

"Name one person he made a star since then". LOL. I hope it comes who actually said that.
When he was Hollywood Rock he put Hurricane over HUGE! haha also, he was willing to take the clean loss to Goldberg.  And before that, He put Brock over cleanly as well!
The Rock's the man.

I'm not a Cena fan by any means. I've really disliked dude from the jump, but to say he doesn't put anyone over is wrong.

Miz at Mania
Allowed Barrett and Nexus to look like legit stars.
Losing to CM Punk gave Punk credibilty with marks.
Made Sheamus to look like a beast in the fued that ended with the Tables match.

  Add to that:

Edge only became a huge star after Cena.
Yeah I think Cena's great for the WWE. It's the Cena character that's become too invincible. There's never any real threat and when there is (the Nexus Survivor Series match), they book him to absolutely crush them and joke about it the next night on Raw.
I don't even have a problem with him being a face...I just think they need to tweak his character a bit to make him more human.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Bruh, I will MARK.

Last night on Raw, Eve Torres turned heel, noting that she used Zack Ryder to get to John Cena. The plan, as of now, is to pair Eve with a heel superstar to feud with Ryder once he returns. Ryder would also be paired with a diva to counter Eve. The name going around for that position is Layla.

Credit: WrestlingObserver.com
I don't see this posted on the site.....
HHH shouldn't of accepted the challenge yet. I was hoping to finally see Steph get sacrificed.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo


only word i noticed you post. 
Grizz, the only thing I don't agree with you on is the Nexus angle. Cena single handedly buried them within two minutes after he was ddt'd on the concrete. Also, the Miz looked strong up until mania, but came off weak because of Rocky interfering.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

Grizz, the only thing I don't agree with you on is the Nexus angle. Cena single handedly buried them within two minutes after he was ddt'd on the concrete. Also, the Miz looked strong up until mania, but came off weak because of Rocky interfering.
Don't forget single handedly eliminated every last one of them in the Royal Rumble after Nexus came in and cleaned house of everyone who was in the ring
Re: Sheamus & Wrestlemania choice

"I already won the WWE Championship so the Wrold Heavwyeight Championship was the logical next step" as per WWE exclusive video
Originally Posted by BRaTZ DoS

And as much as I hate Cena, he needs to keep those promos coming against The Rock.

100% agreed, he has to go for his head every time, but make sure it's new material every time...he can't afford to get repetitive
It wasn't about the fact that he demolished them.

It was seven unknowns that looked like they belonged on the main stage in the business.

And the only reason they looked like they belonged was because of Cena's interaction with them.

Beating up old washed up wrestlers (like before the Cena fued) did nothing for their legitimacy.
To contribute to this Cena talk--
Yesterday's promo gave me a flashback to some article I read a while ago about how Cena is the best heel WWE has had since McMahon-Helmsley era. Nice little read.

I still dislike Cena, but my distaste for him is vastly overshadowed by my absolute abhorrence for one, Paul Wight. 
in all fairness, i don't mind when it's coming from cena, because i look at it as a work.
but the guys in the back just sound salty.
rock busted his @%% for the company for years and went through the same trials and tribulations any other wrestler had.
dude was but a mere peon with a garbage gimmick and goofy @%% hair
but dude stepped up his mic skills and his in ring work and became of the the biggest stars to ever come out of the company.
why can't that man cook and live like a star.
^ Exactly

Rocky Maivia went from an obscure cat with a jherri curl and sounding like Elvis to one of the most popular wrestlers of all time.

And as far as Cena goes, I liked the promo he cut last night, but I still see dude as a complete joke overall as far as his character and PR stuff goes.

Like when dude went on 106 with a damn tan suit on
like it's the little things that bother me.
SMFH at Barrett getting injured this close to a potential legendary WM.

I was HOPING Taker would bust out that What if you like your sisterr line
SMFH at those idiots whating him.

at Cena talking black during that lame shoot.

I want to embrace Eve's !%#%.
Originally Posted by Grizzly Hebert

Originally Posted by jQQQQQ

Originally Posted by Peep Game
I'm not a Cena fan by any means. I've really disliked dude from the jump, but to say he doesn't put anyone over is wrong.

Miz at Mania
Allowed Barrett and Nexus to look like legit stars.
Losing to CM Punk gave Punk credibilty with marks.
Made Sheamus to look like a beast in the fued that ended with the Tables match.

  Add to that:

Edge only became a huge star after Cena.
LOLwut? They never once looked like they were legit. Cena (well, the writers) squashed and buried every single Nexus member
on a weekly basis. Even when Cena "joined" Nexus, he was still made to make Nexus look like fools.

Sheamus didn't really become legit until Brogue kicking HHH 14 times, beating him with a steel pipe, and winning KOTR. The crowd 

was extremely indifferent to Sheamus before then. So to be honest, HHH made him legit, not Cena.

I'll give you Punk & Edge. RVD? Nah
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

in all fairness, i don't mind when it's coming from cena, because i look at it as a work.
but the guys in the back just sound salty.
rock busted his @%% for the company for years and went through the same trials and tribulations any other wrestler had.
dude was but a mere peon with a garbage gimmick and goofy @%% hair
but dude stepped up his mic skills and his in ring work and became of the the biggest stars to ever come out of the company.
why can't that man cook and live like a star.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Die Rocky Die...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]when he finally hit his stride... good god.[/color]
I said it last night, and I'll say it again.....
I have liked Cena since late '02, but he has gotten stale. The writers need to tweak him just a LITTLE to make him seem different.

As for the guys backstage being salty about Rock, I could see where they are coming from, but still......
. It's the Rock for crying out loud. Dude is top five WWE wrestlers all time. He paid his dues. LET HIM COOK.

I have a question about Mania.

What do the superstars' paychecks get based on? Gate prices, PPV buys, matches, etc???
Originally Posted by brasilianmami

in all fairness, i don't mind when it's coming from cena, because i look at it as a work.
but the guys in the back just sound salty.
rock busted his @%% for the company for years and went through the same trials and tribulations any other wrestler had.
dude was but a mere peon with a garbage gimmick and goofy @%% hair
but dude stepped up his mic skills and his in ring work and became of the the biggest stars to ever come out of the company.
why can't that man cook and live like a star.
Exactly, Rock consistently improved himself and developed his character to the level that it is now. He's one of the few superstars left that could really entertain in all aspects of the WWE...sort of in reference to when HHH said "last of our breed". I don't think I'd even be watching this watered down version of raw/smackdown if it wasn't for the familiar faces that are still in the business. I don't wanna start ranting but it's just not the same lol..
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