Wrestling Thread Feb 22-28 | 2/26 Smackdown - Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

If they go this path, who's next?  David Arquette?
 I actually met David Arquette awhile back and joked that my only memory of WCW was him winning the title..He found it hysterical..oh, and that movie he did with Goldberg...I think it was "ready to rumble".

i find it hard to believe that he omega one doesnt show up tonite so im guessing sheamus gets involved then hhh comes out
Def getting stoned for next weeks raw.
Kendrick would have loved having Cheech and Chong guest hosting. Maybe they would have waived one of his weekly pot fines.
Anyone with half a brain knows a match isn't going to happen.

I dig Batista's new entrance with the black screen and no pyro.
I'm not going to lie, I like Batista playing the a-hole heel.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Kendrick would have loved having Cheech and Chong guest hosting. Maybe they would have waived one of his weekly pot fines.

Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm not going to lie, I like Batista playing the a-hole heel.
Does a damn good job at it.

@ all those kids screaming their heart out for Cena when Batista was whooping his $!!.
Originally Posted by toine2983

I'm not going to lie, I like Batista playing the a-hole heel.

Goin' heel does wonders for a guys character

and the shadow boxing after the match was
I'm liking this new Batista too, he ain't saying much which is a good thing and is just beating the hell outta people cuz he can.
Did I actually see Monday Night Raw and there was no omega h anywhere outside of video packages.
i agree with everyone

batista heel is entertaining thus far. maybe cause its againstt cena though
Well, that was interesting. I guess Batista's reasoning will be that he thinks he can beat Cena?

Anytime Cena gets laid out, I enjoy it.
With Cheech and Chong hosting next week, I'm hoping that CM Christ blesses us with his presence and cuts more promo gold. I want to put my hand on the screen.
For those asking about the Omega one and the pastey Irish bastard, Cole said they were out recooperating from the Chamber match.

Expect to see them in MITB qualifying matches next week.

 @ Triple H potentially being in MITB.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

With Cheech and Chong hosting next week, I'm hoping that CM Christ blesses us with his presence and cuts more promo gold. I want to put my hand on the screen.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

With Cheech and Chong hosting next week, I'm hoping that CM Christ blesses us with his presence and cuts more promo gold. I want to put my hand on the screen.
can't wait till mercury joins punks disciples
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