Wrestling Thread Feb 22-28 | 2/26 Smackdown - Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches

i have not seen a episode of raw since about 2002 right after invasion and i must say .

wwe is pure TRASH , i cant stand this john cena is the worst i have ever heard on the mic EVER .

thank god for Y2J , and Edge .
i wonder how many storylines and how many matches he was dupposed to be in and lose..

undertaker is nothing like thst, he says he will do anything thats good for the business

hhh thinks hes gonna go down as the greatest or something
So far so good for the Wrestlemania build up right now I feel the card should be this...

Chris Jericho (c) v. Edge (confirmed)
Batista (c) v. John Cena (confirmed)
Undertaker v. HBK (confirmed)
Money in the Bank: Christian v. (ALL GUESSES) Zack Ryder, Kofi, Evan Bourne, Drew McIntyre, The Miz, Big Show, John Morrison


Randy Orton v. Ted Dibiase & Cody Rhodes
Vince McMahon v. Bret Hart (Street Fight)
CM Punk v. Rey Mysterio
Triple H v. Sheamus
Cross Brand Diva Battle Royal or some crap like that.

While 9 matches may be a bit of a stretch... With MITB as well as the title matches and HBK/Taker set, there is still some big names that seem to have no reason to be on the card as of right now cause of lack of build (Triple H, Orton, Punk, Sheamus etc...) should be an interesting two weeks to finalize the card...

Also, I CANNOT STOP watching that HBK/Taker promo, I want WWE to produce my wedding, child birth, & funeral videos.

I suck at embedding so here is a link...




I've very excited for tonight's show.  I have no idea what the actual format will be, but it will definitely be interesting.  It seems they are committed to pushing Daniel Bryan strong for an eventual program against The Miz.  I really don't know anything about the others involved, but Justin Gabriel was the FCW Champion, so he should get a pretty good push.  Two others I'm interested in are Michael Tarver and David Otunga.  Two I don't like right off the bat are Heath Slater and Skip Sheffield.
All the ppv's after Mania have been removed on wwe.com, so I guess they are changing the names once again.
^^i don't know I gotta see more of this Heath Slater cat..that whole "one man rock band" he cut on Raw last night was pretty

and i hope David Otunga's promos are nothing like Lashley's..his voice is already a negative..it could be curtains for him

Id like to see a ShowMiz v. Hart Dynasty program for Mania.
Michael Tarver has a pretty decent look.

i wonder if theyll give him some sort of MMA fighter gimmick
Going all out and making this bold prediction that the Streak will end this year at WM. I know the rumors about HBK's retirement btw.
yea undertakers streak will end, im guessin since the omega one would wanna end hbks career
News & Notes

Latest on Shawn Michaels' possible retirement.

Shawn Michaels is reportedly undecided regarding whether to retire or not after Wrestlemania.If he decides not to retire, there's talk that next year (Summerslamthrough Wrestlemania 27) will be his retirement tour.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Hopefully this isn't it for HBK but I don't want Taker's streak to end either. It's just one of those things that deserve to stay the way it is. Something's gotta give though...

More on the Bret Hart/Vince McMahon storyline and Bret possibly winning the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.

Apparently there has been a plan pitched in a WWEcreative team meeting to put Bret Hart over for the WWE Championship atWrestlemania. At this time the plan is very preliminary but it would bea tag match featuring Bret Hart & John Cena vs. Vince McMahon &Batista with whoever gets the pin winning the title. The plan would befor Bret to pin Vince McMahon and become the WWE Champion.

The storyline would call for Bret Hart to vacate the title on his ownterms the following night on Raw. This is how Hart wanted to leave WWEin 1997, but it never happened due to the infamous Screwjob in Montreal.

Many of the people I have spoken with do not feel this plan is "too farout in left field" as many feel like there had to be some type ofagreement with Vince McMahon and Bret Hart that convinced Bret to comeback now.

As always this is subject to change and depends on Bret's health.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'd rather have this scenario than Cena winning the strap (again) at Wrestlemania. I doubt they go this route but I'd be fine with it.[/color]

Batista also nearing retirement as well?

I'mtold there is talk Batista will be taking time off from WWE afterWrestlemania to film a WWE Studies movie. After the movie wraps I'mtold Batista will decide if he wants to re-sign with WWE or retire. I am able to confirm Batista's current contractexpires with WWE after the company's big pay-per-view this year.

At 41-years-old Batista realizes he is nearing the end of his WWEcareer and has always said he doesn’t plan on wrestling forever. Whilehe will be given time to decide his future, Batista is expected go on asignificant hiatus from WWE following Wrestlemania.

This is yet another reason why WWE feels it is essential to build upnew workers with the possibility of losing The Undertaker, ShawnMichaels and Batista after Wrestlemania. Rey Mysterio is also in needof knee surgery and is expected to miss significant time after the bigpay-per-view as well.

Details on WWE NXT and possible cameos.

WWENXT is going to have a reality show concept but I'm told it's stillgoing to be a scripted show. With that being said, company officialswill have a good idea on who is going to graduate to Raw or Smackdownbefore it happens. I'm told Steve Keirn, Norman Smiley, Billy Kidmanand the FCW staff are set to make cameos on the show.

It's unknown if WWE is going to acknowledge their official FloridaChampionship Wrestling developmental territory by name on the show.There has even been an idea pitched around to change the name ofFlorida Championship Wrestling to NXT and gave that serve as the nameof the Tampa, Florida based promotion and television series.

Most of WWE NXT (the TV show) will be filmed from the FCW Arena inTampa. The arena is large and will not look minor league. The companymay tape matches for the show at either the Raw or Smackdown TVs but asof press time the decision has not been made.

Why the injury angle with Bret Hart was done.

TheBret Hart "injury" in the car crash on Raw this past week was writtenin because it doesn't look like Bret will be physically able to work aone-on-one with Vince McMahon, and the injury was done as such to"lower expectations" of how Bret's physicality looks (if they decide tocontinue on with the match). They also may go with a tag team match ofBret & John Cena vs. Batista & Vince McMahon.

What happened after the Elimination Chamber PPV ended?

After the Elimination Chamber PPV wentoff the air, Shawn Michaels kept staring at The Undertaker until theymade eye contact, then he slowly walked off to his music. The reactionwas mixed, but he received more boos as the time went on. Once Takergot up, the lights went purple and the music played, but he stormed offwithout any posing.

More on Undertaker's backstage reaction after pyro incident.

I'mtold The Undertaker was livid over the pyrotechnic accident thathappened during his entrance at last night's Elimination Chamberpay-per-view. After the match, 'Taker stormed up theramp staring directly at the pyrotechnic area, stopped at the top ofthe stage (right next to the spot the pyro accidentally burned him) andyelled something at the pyrotechnics and made a threatening gesturebefore exiting the stage. Undertaker shared his frustration with referee Jack Doanafter the accident happened and let both Vince and Stephanie McMahonhave it when he got to the back. His injuries appeared minor as his pants and rightboot were charred by the flames. The accident was "ugly" according tothose sitting close to the entrance. This was obviously an unfortunate accident but that's not the guy you want to piss off.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Taker is a G...the ref reportedly asked him if he wanted to shorten the match and he said no. All the respect in the world for him.

Why WWE put ShowMiz over as Tag Team Champs.

WWE officials decided to put The Miz & Big Show over for the beltsbecause they didn't want the change to be considered a "step down"after they were held by Chris Jericho & Big Show and thenDeGeneration X. Officials felt The Miz & Big Show were over morethan the team of CM Punk & Luke Gallows. The office is still veryhigh up on CM Punk but it was Gallows they felt might be viewed as a"step down".

Why WWE changed plans and decided to have a MITB ladder match at this year's Wrestlemania.

Thedecision was made to keep the Money in the Bank ladder match atWrestlemania this year because they didn't feel like there was enoughtime to develop several undercard angles to take the match's place.

Miz and Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryan were paired up for future plans.

The Miz's mentoring of Daniel Bryan on NXT was indeed done on purpose. Miz's post on the WWE Universewebsite really does explain how the angle is going to play out. Theyare going to acknowledge Bryan's past and Miz's post basically linedout how the angle is going to run its course, since there are plans fora big face run for Bryan.

Sheamus misses this week's RAW because of a concussion.

DaveMeltzer is reporting that former WWE Champion Sheamus was not at lastnight's Raw in Indianapolis, because he suffered a concussion atSunday's Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. As we previously reported,advanced local advertisements were promoting Sheamus vs. John Cena inthe dark main event.

Why Stone Cold Steve Austin didn't wrestle Hulk Hogan and more.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In an interview withWWE Magazine’s special 2010 WrestleMania 26 Almanac, WWE Hall of Famer“Stone Cold[/font]
man 4 ppl taking time off after mania

omega one must have a big smirk on his face

hes new champ right after mania lol
good looks on the N&N DSK

-Norman Smiley

-3 hours of Raw is OD
@ TNA doing my mans Steiner dirty
-Diamond Cutter > RKO

mini N&N

Former WWE Champion Says No To A Hall of Fame Induction
PWInsider.com is reporting that The Ultimate Warrior has declined an invitation to be inducted into the 2010 WWE Hall of Fame. Originally, WWE wanted to focus the 2010 Hall of Fame ceremony around Warrior, but since he declined the invitation, WWE has decided to make Stu Hart the major inductee this year.

Stone Cold To Be The Last Raw Host?
The Figure Four Weekly Newsletter is reporting that Stone Cold Steve Austin might end up being Raw's final guest host. At this point, Austin is the last scheduled host of the show, and it's uncertain whether or not WWE will continue with the gimmick. Originally, the plan was to end the guest host angle at Wrestlemania, but in light of TNA moving to Monday nights, WWE is considering an extension of the angle to combat TNA's efforts.

Upcoming WWE video game
Percy Pringle, known in WWE as Paul Bearer, posted the following on his Twitter account:

"Doing voice overs for a new WWE video game this afternoon."
Cole commentating just reminded me...

I NEED J.R. to be back for Wrestlemania. I can't have Cole ruin the HBK/Taker match...
wow they're botching the heck out of commentating this match. michael slater? haha jeez....
I'm liking NXT so far.  WWE really trying to build up Danielson.

I'm glad Carlito has something to do now; he was becoming almost as useless as a Bella twin.
"Christian Slater"

get it?

I bet Carlito does the job here.

I'm digging these new camera angles.
I'm liking NXT so far, I'll admit.

They didn't go overboard with the reality aspect, which I'm glad about.
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