Wrestling Thread Feb 22-28 | 2/26 Smackdown - Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches

OMG. The Botch with a mini uzi, Ja Rule, and RVD? I have to queue this to my Netflix. I think the movie is out tomorrow.

The Omega One better not be in MITB. That match should be for guys who are ready to take the next step in to main event status, since they no longer use the Royal Rumble to do that.
Oh %%##
, what the hell is that movie

Some gifs are needed asap of Dave putting a bullet in Ja's head and waving that gun around
I enjoy watching bad movies from time to time, and sadly, this one actually looks better than anything WWE Studios has made. Ja Rule with the bullet in his brain sealed the deal.
aha so omega is in the mitb match, most likely against rhodes

illiam , comment now, lol
Just finished Raw. Glad I'm not the only one who loves Balcotista as a heel. Dude's entrance is off the hook now... especially when he just stands there and flexes for a cool one
I just hate how it's all gonna build up to Cena putting on one of his trademark Superman comebacks come WM.

I'm so glad that DX is over. HBK isn't built for the comedy segments anymore... but he's still the best "wrestler" (by South Park standards) when he's serious.

I know most of the diva beasting on here is reserved for Maryse, but I'm really diggin the hell outta Eve and Kelly Kelly. I'd hit those holes like Tomlinson in 2006.

probably the only guy who is spectacular as a face and a heel. I still hope he can make a heel turn sometime before the year is over. Dude is money as a heel.
Not like anybody really cares, but it's wrestling related...

[h1]Wrestler Ric Flair recovering after family drama[/h1]
Monday, February 22, 2010


CHAPEL HILL (WTVD) -- Professional wrestler Ric Flair is recovering in the hospital, while his wife is in jail accused of assaulting him.

Police were called to the couple's home in Charlotte just before midnight Sunday night.

Officers say no weapons were used in the attack.

Flair suffered minor injuries, but refused treatment.

"Ricand his wife had an unfortunate disagreement late last night, which ledto his wife being arrested and charged with assault," Flair's agentMelinda Morris Zanoni said in a statement. "Ric has done nothing wrong.The important thing to remember here is that we have some very excitingprofessional announcements in the near future. Ric finds this incidentunsettling and is committed to correcting any issues in his personallife".

Flair and his wife, Jacqueline Beems, were married three months ago.

Meanwhile, this is not the first time Flair has found himself in a physical family spat.

InSeptember 2008 according to Chapel Hill Police, neighbors called forhelp when they heard a commotion in the parking lot of their apartmentcomplex.

Officersfound Flair, his daughter Ashley Fliehr and an unidentified 22-year-oldman at the scene. Sources told Eyewitness News the three were involvedin a fight that left the former pro-wrestler bloodied and bruised.

Flairdeclined to file charges in the case. But, his daughter is accused ofkicking an officer. Chapel Hill Police say a taser gun was used onAshley Fliehr.

She was charged with assault on a lawenforcement officer and resisting arrest. When Eyewitness News tried tocontact Ashley Fliehr, her boyfriend said the incident was a familymatter that is now resolved.

Ric Flair, whose real name is Richard Morgan Fliehr, is best known by his ring names, Ric Flair and the Nature Boy.

Flair is among the most well known wrestlers in the world and has beenone of wrestling's biggest stars since the late 1970s. Many considerhim the greatest wrestler of the modern era of professional wrestling.

He retired as a wrestler in March 2008.

Post-RAW Dark Match-

Triple H & Edge defeated Chris Jericho & Batista in the dark main event. After Cena was helped to the back, Triple H came out and called out Batista. After Batista came out, Jericho came out picking a fight with Triple H until Edge came out and suggested the tag match. Triple H and Edge were both in t-shirts and jeans. 6 or 7 minutes, Triple H gets the pin on Jericho after a pedigree.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

I really enjoyed Raw last night. Let's hope they keep it rolling through WM.
I still need to watch last night's Raw. I think the build for Wrestlemania will continue to be strong.

It just worries me what will happen post Wrestlemania, just like last year.
Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Christian on Raw is also not a good look. Another career bites the dust. Why not put him on Smackdown so we can have an Edge and Christian reunion? I have the kazoos and streamers ready too.
I already forgot about bourne on raw :/

Link of last night's raw? I missed most of it.
i think they just put christian on on raw just until the draft after mania

edge n christian will reunite after mania

a feud between them would be great especially if edge is champ
Christain will win MITB IMO. And I concur, heeltista is amazing. That was one of the best beat downs in years.
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Triple H gets the pin on Jericho after a pedigree.
lol, of course. That's how it's always ended since 2000. DSK, you still keeping count of this?

Man, I hope Christian wins MITB. The Peeps have been waiting for him to finally step in to the main event for a while. I think Kofi and JoMo have better chances to win it, though.
mjmoney i highly doubt christian will win mitb, especially if omega is in it asposted by someone else

it would be great if he did n edge wins the whc n christian cashes it in against him...

have them wrestle one another in a ladder matchh
There's no chance in hell hhh will be in MITB..

His ego and opening up mania....

He'll have the pleasure of digging Sheamus' grave.
It was announced last week that the April 26th edition of WWE RAW from Richmond, Virginia would be a 3-hour show, which lead to speculation that the WWE draft might take place that night. This has now been confirmed by the Richmond Coliseum website, which is promoting the event as the night the 2010 WWE Draft will take place.

- Some WWE RAW viewers are under the impression that Bret Hart really was injured in a backstage car crash last week on RAW. It appears some viewers saw the number on the ambulance used in the angle and actually called the ambulance company to check on Bret's condition. On the Midwest Ambulance website, there is a message that states:"ATTENTION: Please do not call 222-2222 regarding the condition of Bret "Hit Man" Hart. Contact the WWE for updates. Our number is for emergency calls only. Thank you."

- WWE superstar Gregory Helms has posted a picture on Twitter of himself along with several WWE and TNA wrestlers. Helms asks if readers can name all the people in the picture, which you can see here (for the record, it's The Pope, Mr. Anderson, Chavo Guererro, MVP, Hornswoggle, Gergory Helms and Dean Malenko).
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

aha so omega is in the mitb match, most likely against rhodes

illiam , comment now, lol
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Triple H doesn't have the knees for a MITB match.
Originally Posted by jdcurt2

There's no chance in hell hhh will be in MITB..

His ego and opening up mania....

He'll have the pleasure of digging Sheamus' grave.
All that needs to be said.

Originally Posted by retrogearsolid

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Triple H gets the pin on Jericho after a pedigree.
lol, of course. That's how it's always ended since 2000. DSK, you still keeping count of this?
I can't even fathom what the tally would be if we included house show/dark matches.

N&N later on today...
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Post-RAW Dark Match-

Triple H & Edge defeated Chris Jericho & Batista in the dark main event. After Cena was helped to the back, Triple H came out and called out Batista. After Batista came out, Jericho came out picking a fight with Triple H until Edge came out and suggested the tag match. Triple H and Edge were both in t-shirts and jeans. 6 or 7 minutes, Triple H gets the pin on Jericho after a pedigree.
geez even in dark matches jericho gets buried by triple douche. even when hes heavyweight champ too
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